I've been having a lot of trouble understanding people on this site. I can't even tell who likes me and who hates me. Today I just deleted a person from email. We have been having a misunderstanding... I feel like this place is driving me into such confusion and anger that when I'm trying to concentrate on other things in life, I'm finding those thoughts intruding in on my brain, and distorting my focus! I don't even understand why this is happening to me. Maybe I can't handle these people!
I honestly think that I can sum up my own life with three horrific revelations.
The first horrific revelation was when I got saved. What is horrific about that? Well, my salvation itself was anything but horrific, but it horrified me when I came to the realization that I had been but one heartbeat or one dying breath away from eternal damnation for my entire life until I got saved. It truly is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God, and God's wrath abode upon me until I repented and got saved.
My second horrific revelation initially caught me totally off guard. That horrific revelation was that the vast majority of people who call themselves "Christians" simply are not. I mean, I had always faced all sorts of hatred/rejection/opposition in the world, but I initially thought that "church" was some sort of safe haven. Boy, was I mistaken. I can honestly say that most of the people in this world who absolutely hate my guts (and there are quite a number of them) are professing "Christians". In fact, some of them are on this website. Anyhow, if you look to Jesus as your/our example, then I think that you will quickly realize that the bulk of the opposition that he faced during his incarnation came at the hands of the religious establishment. You know, the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, chief priests, lawyers (those who handled God's laws), etc., etc. In fact, he went so far as to say that his heavenly Father hadn't planted them, and if it's any different today, then it's only gotten worse.
My third horrific revelation is that I now honestly know the truth, and the truth isn't just a concept, but rather it is a person, Jesus Christ, first and foremost. What is horrific about that? Well, as Jesus said, to whom much is given, much is required, and I'll give an account one day for whatever "talents" he's given me and expects back with "usury" or interest. In other words, I've been entrusted with the gospel message, and I'd better be about my Father's business of seeking to save that which is lost. This is what I concern myself with while being consciously aware that I've been sent forth as a sheep among wolves...and that includes all of the wolves in sheep's clothing, of which there are many.
Anyhow, my advice to you is to simply recognize and understand the parameters of this fallen world in which we live. All that glitters isn't gold, and being on a "Christian forum" doesn't guarantee you that you'll encounter only Christians. If you find a few here, then fellowship with them. The others? Well, you can try sharing truths with them (to no avail, usually), or you can just tolerate them, or you can put them on "ignore". I recently put three people here on "ignore" and my quality of life has truly improved since doing so.
For whatever any of this is worth.
Here's one of my favorite shirts to wear because it serves as a reminder to me of what type of world I/we truly live in.
I designed it myself: