um.... you DID ask for people's thoughts and opinions, did you not?
Or, did you just want a bunch of people to see things the same way you do and agree with you?
Personally, I don't think those two "happenings" mean anything at all with the election in the United States. I could be wrong, but you did ask for opinions.
Just found it very intresting and believe it is a sign from the Lord. Wanted to share it to see if anyone thought the same.
I believe Signs in the heavens still exsist and all of them are not layed out in scripture.
In the past 2 plus years many things have effected the whole earth not just in a certain region. Some just ignor these events and reguard it as a cycle of life theroy sorta speak.
But if you listen closely to the reports of the happenings you hear phrases like : never before seen:.....suddenly....unusual...strange. These things catch my attention.
Many here study end time prophecy and are very indepth and have very good understandings but the question i have is what leads up to the great tribulation? What leads up to the time of sorrows? What causes mens hearts to wax cold?
Jesus said when you see these things increase not only in there destruction but also in there frequency to look up for your redemption draws near.
The difference that is forgotten is that the regathering of Israel has begun and continues. Never before seen. A nation born in one day. Time of the gentiles are drawing to a close. Jesus points to that generation.
Anyways enough about my beliefs and understanding.....are we ready? Have we done all that is required to escape the wrath to come?
Or has the Lord found grace and given mercy to stay his hand for such a time as this.