This is a successful blogger responding to these lawsuits.
His takeaways from this are:
1. "They" want to eliminate Alex Jones
2. One purpose of these lawsuits is to send a warning shot to anyone who is a free thinker and does not toe the line of the official narrative.
3. After careful consideration his decision is "I will not comply".
I would add some other lessons
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
1. Check yourself that what you are saying is true. For example a year ago when I refused to get the vaccine many of my colleagues wanted to know what I knew. All I knew for sure was that I had already had Covid and therefore I had concluded I did not need the vaccine. I suspected many things, but realized you need to focus on what is true.
2. Whatever things are honest is a second criteria. Again, I do not know anyone personally who has been harmed by the vaccine. At least I am not aware of that. I do know several people who died from Covid. The husband of our AP and several members of the church I attended died from Covid. So as much as I may have felt something was wrong about what was going on it was important to be honest. One way people are not fully honest is they leave out key pieces of information.
3. Then you have to also include what things are just. Many people were throwing around accusations that the vaccine was the mark of the beast. That was not just. The Bible is very clear that if you get the mark of the beast you cannot buy or sell and that was not true with the vaccine. Perhaps you couldn't do certain jobs, and perhaps in a few rare cases your bank account was frozen, but for 80+% of Americans this was not true. So it wasn't just to tell people that they had lost their salvation if they had gotten the vaccine.
4. Whatever things are pure. This is really highlighted in the sordid story of the vaccine. It isn't pure to have so called experts telling us that the virus did not come from the Wuhan bioweapons lab because they had a vested interest in protecting that fact. It wasn't pure that Fauci was getting money from various sources while at the same time portraying himself as an unbiased judge.
5. Whatsoever things are lovely. Much of what has happened is truly ugly. What they did to kids was ugly. Censoring people and ridiculing them and attacking them was ugly. Calling those who had legitimate questions about the vaccine as "anti science" or "anti Vax" was ugly, it was not lovely.
6. Whatever things are of good report. Now consider those scientists that wrote a letter published on the Lancet that there was no evidence of the virus coming from the Bioweapons lab. Two years later it is quite clear that is not of good report. When you do something with a hidden motive, hidden agenda you know, even if others don't, that it is not of good report. Consider that whatever you are doing, how will this appear when you stand before the Lord to be judged?
7. There are a few people who came forward despite great personal risk and cost to tell us the truth. That is what it means to me "if there is any virtue and if any praise".