Chris Rosebrough is popular "discernment" minister and creator of the Pirate Christian website and the YouTube channel Fighting for the Faith, in which he produces video after video trashing Word of Faith and hyper-Charismania. But I wonder if this so-called discernment minister has ever applied any of this discernment to himself?
The following image shows Rosebrough's pimped out pirate mobile. Think about the word pirate for a minute. What is a pirate? It's an armed criminal who steals and murders. Jesus said the thief (false teacher) comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). I wonder if Jesus were on the earth today if He'd cruise around in something like this. Notice the black pirate flag emblazoned with the Chi Rho symbol.
The man leaning on the car is the infamous J. D. Hall who was removed as pastor of his church for failure to submit to authority and embezzling funds. He's also been arrested for driving under the influence. Most recently a police report was filed alleging Hall assaulted his wife and young daughter with a knife and strangulation. He's now in the wind. Yes, Chris Rosebrough and J. D. Hall are good pals.
What about all the spiritual and doctrinal irregularities Rosebrough accuses others of; has he not examined his own house? This image shows Rosebrough dressed up in full costume at his church preaching before a Jesus idol.
The following image shows Rosebrough's pimped out pirate mobile. Think about the word pirate for a minute. What is a pirate? It's an armed criminal who steals and murders. Jesus said the thief (false teacher) comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). I wonder if Jesus were on the earth today if He'd cruise around in something like this. Notice the black pirate flag emblazoned with the Chi Rho symbol.
The man leaning on the car is the infamous J. D. Hall who was removed as pastor of his church for failure to submit to authority and embezzling funds. He's also been arrested for driving under the influence. Most recently a police report was filed alleging Hall assaulted his wife and young daughter with a knife and strangulation. He's now in the wind. Yes, Chris Rosebrough and J. D. Hall are good pals.

What about all the spiritual and doctrinal irregularities Rosebrough accuses others of; has he not examined his own house? This image shows Rosebrough dressed up in full costume at his church preaching before a Jesus idol.

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