Are you saying we don't give BILLIONS to other countries?
yes in my belief brother our government needs a complete overhaul back to the intended form of government in the constitution. When the people decide based on the candidates record and ideas for improving and maintaining our nations safety , rule of law , border security , human rights , morality also needs an overhaul but it’s written that it’s going to get worse and worse so what I see is a corrupt people electing more corrupt leaders who scmooze us with flattery and lies on television adds “ I’m for the poor I fight for the weak elect me and I’ll solve your issues “
we should take money out and just allow equal time for any candidate nd make then go around like the old days meet people and actually answer real questions not stand and receive cheers and applauds and Mimic talking points and repeat political add slogans funded by billionaires and special interest groups
sorry brother I try to avoid politics because I’ve watched it devolve onto a stew of corruption and a Carnival sideshow over the years
but yeah I think we just gave another five billion to Ukrain which makes like fifty or something so yeah the government is throwing our money around like it’s thiers and it’s endless how does that equate to politicians out there saying “ cut the benefits of the poor elect me and I’ll do it for you “
no one is saying that it’s what the ither side says to get you away from thier actions “ thier trying to get you better vote for us instead “ forget the soaring crime , forget the open borders of millions who are then Supported by taxpayers money also , forget about political violence regarding blm , forget about crt and transgender perversions being taught in schools
they are trying to get you if your poor , or if your dark skinned , or if your another race or language or faith they are not king to get you vote for us instead “
Politics is a not funny joke these days bro they aren’t out to help us they want to keep the power so they can be the elite who get to gate tbier communities and release criminals into ours
They advocate open borders and the. If they see an inmagrant in tbier neifhborhood they call the national guard to remove them but then have a press conference talking about the evils of having immigration restrictions
they want power and need votes is the only reason they mention poor folk
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