I see he left already but, when my friend leaving for his annual trip, knowing I was going to be moving on from the work group and also that he was planning on retiring soon, I wanted to get him something especially since he got me a souvenir from his last trip. I pictured in my mind a token, a novelty of sorts, of a safe journey farewell-wish, preferably fashioned from gold (for a 'stay gold' sentiment). However, I had little expectation that I would find anything of the sort with such short notice but trusted that if it be possibly the perfect gift for him, God would provide it, so I didn't worry about it. And I'd say I even forgot about it from that point until later that evening when my son came to me after work and held up a gold coin he'd found in the parking lot and asked, "mom, who's Saint Christopher?" and I was struck dumb as I thought to myself, "isn't...that...the patron saint...of travel?!" Well, I told my son about my 'vision' for this gift and was amazed also and agreed it would be a perfect gift, divinely provided. And then, asking my friend, "who is the patron saint of travel?" He didn't hesitate in answering since he happened to have been an altar boy in his youth.