God has put these scriptures in my heart for a reason. I look around to figger out what that reason could be, and I see good faithful brothers and sisters being conned into believing the enemy of their enemy is their friend. And in doing so, they are marching in lock-step away from the Truths of God outlined in the second list.
I'm always open to the idea that I could be wrong, so in another thread I asked if those scriptures don't apply as I see it, how then do they apply? Other than 2 people who have stated they don't apply to us at all, no one has anything to offer me as an alternative.
And that's so typical of the right. Always taking a stand against other's answers, while offering none of their own.
I know this is how it has to be. God has said that many will turn from Him following false prophets. I know I'm not going to stop that. But if I can get just one to see what is happening and repent, then at least for that one it is worth it. The rest I sorrow for, wishing I could have found a way to enlighten them.
I'm always open to the idea that I could be wrong, so in another thread I asked if those scriptures don't apply as I see it, how then do they apply? Other than 2 people who have stated they don't apply to us at all, no one has anything to offer me as an alternative.
And that's so typical of the right. Always taking a stand against other's answers, while offering none of their own.
I know this is how it has to be. God has said that many will turn from Him following false prophets. I know I'm not going to stop that. But if I can get just one to see what is happening and repent, then at least for that one it is worth it. The rest I sorrow for, wishing I could have found a way to enlighten them.
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