In NYC, I think, there's at least 37 or something. Way to go, city of my birth
Amazing how through all of these millennia of human civilization we never saw the truths the Left has enlightened us to over the past few decades. How is it that all of a sudden, there are hundreds of genders? Perhaps as many as there are humans??!? As Biden says, good God man, how were we so blind? Or, that men and women are the same in
every way -- which doesn't contradict their stance on multiple genders or the necessity of legalizing same-sex marriage of course? Or that sexual orientation is fixed, but gender is fluid? Or that truth is relative, not objective, and that that's an absolute truth you
must believe?
I see no contradictions or inconsistencies. Do any of you? If you do, remember it's because you're a white supremacist fascist Nazi racist hetero-normative anti-science bigot.