i'm not christian but i do have some questions

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2022
There are more than a few lists of sins in the scriptures.

Mark 7:21-23
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
2 Timothy 3:1-5
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Notice they all have the same outcome, they dont inherit the Kingdom of God.

It doesnt matter what inclinations we have.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
nope, i've never spoken to a christian in my life, and these are questions about individuals experience and opinions, not christianity itself. i doubt i already know these things, assumptions maybe but i can't know these things and apply them to every single person in a group. and atheists don't necessarily say that the universe came from nothing, just that it wasn't designed. also god has a sexual preference?
I disagree with your answer, as your response in red shows you have a preconceived understanding of the questions you have asked.

In addition, God has no sexual preference. He created men to have sexual relations with women and nothing else.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
First Christianity is just a man made Religion -----like all Religions are ------being a Christ-ian has nothing to do with any religion ----Being a True Christ--ian is having a personally relationship with God Himself ----no Religion involved ----that is ---you have Faith in God the person who does exist and you come to Trust God to direct your life in this wicked world -----of Lust --greed and power -------

You see in order to get ahead in this world ---you have to Climb Up The Ladder to Succeed --------
In God's World you have to Climb Down the Ladder to succeed ------This Physical World and God's Unseen World ---work opposite of each other ----

God says there is no excuse for Anyone to say they don't know if He exists ----- pay attention to verse 20 below -----

Romans 1
God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

How do I feel about The LGBTQ community ------I feel they are living the way they should in this world --just like the people who choose to live as Polygamist ----or to dabble in Adultery or other forms of sexuality ------

This World says --If it feels good and doesn't hurt anyone it is OK to do it -----this is the Worldly concept and is the norm for this World -----this World has no concept of God or His Word ----their thinking is twisted and is controlled by Satan -----so they live rightly to their thinking

True Christ--ians are not to judge the people of this world as they are living rightly to the worldly standards -----
True Christ--ians at only to Judge a Brother or Sister in Christ when they see them doing down a wrong path =---and then if they don't listen --they are to be set free to go their own way ----

The Worlds Path in God's eyes is Wicked and He will eventually destroy all wickedness when He is ready to do so -----

Atheists ----say they don't believe in God but they can't use that as an excuse when they die ---cause God says there is no excuse to not believe He exists -----and while they are here believing that God doesn't exist ----Satan is laughing all the way to his Soul Bank as he has them all sowed up in their thinking -----again they are just thinking like this World ------just because you don't believe in a God or Satan doesn't mean they don't exist ------

Questioning Faith ---
Since there are 3 Kinds of Faith --I think one should Question whether they have the Right Faith ------there is only 1 Right Faith in following The Way ----

As far as Harry Potter goes --For the True Christ--ian it displays -- presents and entices magic as fun ---which God frowns upon ----Witches and Warlocks are real today and can cast spells on people to hurt them and do damage to them ----so I personally feel that Parents need to explain to their children that while Harry Potter can walk through walls and cast spells that this is not something that their child should be practicing or wanting to do as it can be dangerous in attracting negative spirits in a household -----Discernment of Spirits is needed for the parents ---in my view

Dabbling in the occult is dangerous stuff -----I know I had an entity in my home at one time ------very disturbing and frightening ------had the Padre do an exorcism throughout my home - ---which worked --


Senior Member
May 6, 2017
@Hydraxolotl , the potential danger I see in certain movies that have magic in them is the potential for someone to get into the occult practices. Only watching a movie isn't the same thing as occult practice in my opinion.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
First Christianity is just a man made Religion -----like all Religions are ------being a Christ-ian has nothing to do with any religion ----Being a True Christ--ian is having a personally relationship with God Himself ----no Religion involved ----that is ---you have Faith in God the person who does exist and you come to Trust God to direct your life in this wicked world -----of Lust --greed and power -------

You see in order to get ahead in this world ---you have to Climb Up The Ladder to Succeed --------
In God's World you have to Climb Down the Ladder to succeed ------This Physical World and God's Unseen World ---work opposite of each other ----

God says there is no excuse for Anyone to say they don't know if He exists ----- pay attention to verse 20 below -----

Romans 1
God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.

20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

How do I feel about The LGBTQ community ------I feel they are living the way they should in this world --just like the people who choose to live as Polygamist ----or to dabble in Adultery or other forms of sexuality ------

This World says --If it feels good and doesn't hurt anyone it is OK to do it -----this is the Worldly concept and is the norm for this World -----this World has no concept of God or His Word ----their thinking is twisted and is controlled by Satan -----so they live rightly to their thinking

True Christ--ians are not to judge the people of this world as they are living rightly to the worldly standards -----
True Christ--ians at only to Judge a Brother or Sister in Christ when they see them doing down a wrong path =---and then if they don't listen --they are to be set free to go their own way ----

The Worlds Path in God's eyes is Wicked and He will eventually destroy all wickedness when He is ready to do so -----

Atheists ----say they don't believe in God but they can't use that as an excuse when they die ---cause God says there is no excuse to not believe He exists -----and while they are here believing that God doesn't exist ----Satan is laughing all the way to his Soul Bank as he has them all sowed up in their thinking -----again they are just thinking like this World ------just because you don't believe in a God or Satan doesn't mean they don't exist ------

Questioning Faith ---
Since there are 3 Kinds of Faith --I think one should Question whether they have the Right Faith ------there is only 1 Right Faith in following The Way ----

As far as Harry Potter goes --For the True Christ--ian it displays -- presents and entices magic as fun ---which God frowns upon ----Witches and Warlocks are real today and can cast spells on people to hurt them and do damage to them ----so I personally feel that Parents need to explain to their children that while Harry Potter can walk through walls and cast spells that this is not something that their child should be practicing or wanting to do as it can be dangerous in attracting negative spirits in a household -----Discernment of Spirits is needed for the parents ---in my view

Dabbling in the occult is dangerous stuff -----I know I had an entity in my home at one time ------very disturbing and frightening ------had the Padre do an exorcism throughout my home - ---which worked --
Christianity is the the belief in Jesus Christ


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
Christianity is the the belief in Jesus Christ

Christianity is a man made Religion ----Show me where God deemed Christianity as a Religion to follow ----Jesus never ever said Follow my Christianity ----He said follow My Way ----Jesus way is a Way of life not a Religion -----

And which Faith are you talking about for belief ------is all you have to do is believe in Jesus ---I don't think so -----you have to confess with your mouth and have a heart belief -----so it is not just a whimsical belief ----

I believe a chair will hold me when I sit in it ------I believe that my Doctor will heal me with medication he gives me -- So I not only believe in the Dr I see --I believe the medication I take will heal me -----

Belief means all kinds of things ------even Demons believe in Jesus ------so can demons say they belong to the Religion of Christianity ???????


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Christianity is a man made Religion ----Show me where God deemed Christianity as a Religion to follow ----Jesus never ever said Follow my Christianity ----He said follow My Way ----Jesus way is a Way of life not a Religion -----

And which Faith are you talking about for belief ------is all you have to do is believe in Jesus ---I don't think so -----you have to confess with your mouth and have a heart belief -----so it is not just a whimsical belief ----

I believe a chair will hold me when I sit in it ------I believe that my Doctor will heal me with medication he gives me -- So I not only believe in the Dr I see --I believe the medication I take will heal me -----

Belief means all kinds of things ------even Demons believe in Jesus ------so can demons say they belong to the Religion of Christianity ???????
no, it is a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2021
i am an agnostic, basically meaning i don't believe we can know whether there is a god or not, but for the most part i live my life like an atheist. below i will list a few questions i would like answered to better understand where you all are coming from, and feel free to ask me anything too. (this is a repost, i was told it would fit better here)

1) how did you convert to christianity or were you christian since childhood?

2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?

3) what is your opinion on atheists?

4) have you ever questioned your faith?

5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?
1. I have always had a strong tie to spiritual world, and Christianity best explained what I saw and experienced

2. LGBT is not the way God intended, but satan has had thousands of years to mess with our DNA and change what should have been. My understanding is that we are supposed to accept the unsaved in whatever they are part of, but once saved we are accountable to how we live that out.

3. I've seen and experienced too much to ever doubt God's existence, but I've also seen and experienced enough to understand why others do doubt it

4. My faith, no. How it plays out, often

5. If you take it as a game I see no harm, but if you use it as a life template yes it can lead you from the truth.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2021
no, it is a belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I dare you to show me a Scripture From Jesus who said from his mouth that you are to believe in Christianity which is a belief in me -------the word Christian was first used in Antioch by the Gentiles making fun of the Disciples who followed Jesus Christ -----and Paul kept the name ------it is a man made term and Christianity became the Christian Religion ------man made not from God -------

Jesus said Follow MY Way -------His Way is not a Religion ----it is a way of Life ------

Anyone and everyone calls themselves Christians who belong to a Man made religion of Christianity ----that does not mean they are True Followers of the Way -----


but satan has had thousands of years to mess with our DNA and change what should have been
Um, it didn't take thousands of years for us to get to this.
What do you think was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah?
Dec 15, 2021
i am an agnostic, basically meaning i don't believe we can know whether there is a god or not, but for the most part i live my life like an atheist. below i will list a few questions i would like answered to better understand where you all are coming from, and feel free to ask me anything too. (this is a repost, i was told it would fit better here)

1) how did you convert to christianity or were you christian since childhood?

2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?

3) what is your opinion on atheists?

4) have you ever questioned your faith?

5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?

Haven't read any other comments, these might be repeats

1. Have only ever believed in the words of God, for that matter only know the words of God. I figured when I found a mistake I would move on, so far that hasn't happened here I still am.

2. They used to be sinners like all sinners, all of us sinners in our own ways and we all had our own sins to worry about, but that was between each of us and God. The 'struggles' different from one another, but all 'demands of by the flesh' just the same. Pretty much every Christian I knew, felt the exact same way. But for some reason, they had to follow in the footsteps of Sodom and Gomorrah which made it no longer just in between them and God anymore, but forced it into OUR lives something for us to have to deal with, like our own struggles weren't enough. We had to THINK and FEEL something about theirs. But not even that was enough they had to push it further. So they brought laws into effect, not only forcing God to turn away some of His protection again, effecting all of us, but NOW we even had to start WEIGHING in on it all.

I'm sure everyone can see 'blessings' are no longer coming upon us while the cursing's are, it's just that Christians know there is a reason for it all as it was written in the Book. I am NOT SAYING so please don't make it sound as if I were that it is all because of LBGT, but none the less, it is still another stone on that pile that needs no more stones and causes some resentment there.
What Christians don't discuss or even mention is what is taking place within our souls. The truth is, like it or not, the righteous are being made sad by the constant persecution from the push to accept something we know to be an abomination to the GOD, whom we love with all our heart and soul so our souls are daily being vexed. We have become the 'Lot' of modern day.
There is no TV anymore because every show and commercial has to include the new loud proud and in your face abomination to God, put forth as the 'accepted' way of life, which it isn't and leaving a few like me, who NEVER used to judge or care or even really think upon it, really quite RESENTFUL of all things 'LGBT'. Now, being a true Christian, I still believe this is something for God to judge and me to keep my nose out of.
I am sure there was persecution that went towards those who were 'gay' before, but nothing compared to what is happening now to Christians. But the reality is, we are not of this world anyway and Judgment is coming to us all.

3. They are in denial, having it written on their hearts just like we do, and how naked and embarrassed they are soon to be.

4. Not once, even when 'what was written' wasn't what I thought was written, the fact remained

5. I don't know Harry nor pokemom.

What is your curiosity with Christians and what they believe? Do you find it strange to be drawn this direction, no matter the reason or excuse? Have you ever read any of the words of God? Do you know of any of the prophecies and their fulfilments, and if so, HOW do you explain them?

I'll sum it all up for your understanding. I want you to write the name of a person who will be born in 400 years. I would like you to tell me where they will be born, where they will travel, what their beliefs will be, and how they will die and they have to be of such significance that they will do something like change the way THE WORLD tells TIME.

Now, if you would like to get close to what is actually written and what actually happened EXACTLY AS IT WAS WRITTEN, you are going to have to add to that list around 20 more things and have ALL OF THEM come true.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
I dare you to show me a Scripture From Jesus who said from his mouth that you are to believe in Christianity which is a belief in me -------the word Christian was first used in Antioch by the Gentiles making fun of the Disciples who followed Jesus Christ -----and Paul kept the name ------it is a man made term and Christianity became the Christian Religion ------man made not from God -------

Jesus said Follow MY Way -------His Way is not a Religion ----it is a way of Life ------

Anyone and everyone calls themselves Christians who belong to a Man made religion of Christianity ----that does not mean they are True Followers of the Way -----
Dare you to show me where in the word of God being a called a Christian is unbiblical


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2021
Um, it didn't take thousands of years for us to get to this.
What do you think was going on in Sodom and Gomorrah?
So everyone became inherently evil the moment Adam fell, or did it take a while to become that way?


So everyone became inherently evil the moment Adam fell, or did it take a while to become that way?
Ever heard of a rhetorical question ?


Senior Member
Jul 3, 2015
I dare you to show me a Scripture From Jesus who said from his mouth that you are to believe in Christianity which is a belief in me -------the word Christian was first used in Antioch by the Gentiles making fun of the Disciples who followed Jesus Christ -----and Paul kept the name ------it is a man made term and Christianity became the Christian Religion ------man made not from God -------

Jesus said Follow MY Way -------His Way is not a Religion ----it is a way of Life ------

Anyone and everyone calls themselves Christians who belong to a Man made religion of Christianity ----that does not mean they are True Followers of the Way -----
I checked about 20 versions and none had Jesus saying that.
Jun 20, 2022
1) how did you convert to christianity or were you christian since childhood?
i converted when i began asking about the idea of God just like you are now. i began wondering enough that one day God invited me to be a part of Him and i accepted and have been living in Him and He in me ever since.

2) what is your opinion on the LGBT community?
my opinion is the View of God towards all people. we are all valuable to God. we are all Loved by God. and we are all Sinners who need Salvation!

3) what is your opinion on atheists?
i love them, they ask the best answers and make me really have to know who God is and what His Word claims

4) have you ever questioned your faith?
YES, i have! i went through a period where doubt riddled my mind and it was one of the best tests i ever dealt with. it literally secured my Faith and comforted my mind.

5) do you believe media like harry potter or pokemon to be problematic? why or why not?
both are of the viewpoint of magic and mystic. and those realms in their own represent enemies towards God. both, God and Magic, ultimately represent the 2 powers in existence. the problem with magic is where that power ultimately comes from. and that source has made themselves direct Enemies to Almighty God. so as innocent as it may seem, it really is very problematic towards God and His ways.