Sam Harris is long been outspoken about how Islamic violence is a problem and he catches all matter of grief from the left for that
In this particular podcast, he reads a letter from and isis propaganda magazine called Dabiq.
The cliff note this article talks about some lady from the Netherlands I think it was moved to Iran and married some religious fanatic
She goes on to talk about how blessed she is to live under Sharia and how great it was at her son blew himself up for Islam
There she goes on to talk about how they hate America because of our Christianity and our atheism and they will never stop waging war against us until we submit Allah.. so basically they just admitted that terrorist attacks are indeed religiously motivated as opposed to politically.. most of you would probably disagree with Harris on his atheism but on the Islam thing, he is spot on.
As long as there are countries who are still in the 14th century culturally with 21st century weapons, America will always be at war with Islam