Hey.. thanks for this

Its going to be hard at least for me to talk about this when you say things like "But something happened back in the early 1900s that caused Pentecostalism to go down the road of babble. ". This is how you personally see it. That does not make it true. If someone wants to know about this the sweet holy Spirit and tongues them ask Him. If we look at man we will be disappointed every time. The holy Spirit is given to all that ask Luke 11:13. You believe or you don't. Most when it comes to any kind of believing/faith put God on some time clock or look at others around them to then come up with some reason why God did or didn't do it. Which is not even in the word of God.
The more you get to know HIM you find in everything it will be about faith. Where you will have to come out so to speak from everyone else take a stand on what you cannot see hear or feel and just believe what He said period. What happen to me was exactly as it happened in the word. Already saved but one day bible study they asked if I wanted the holy Spirit. PRAISE GOD no internet to get me confused and filled with doubt. I just said yes. Sat down they read only what the bible said and luke 11;13. Asked me again if I wanted the holy Spirit I said yes. He prayed a very short prayer then just stopped and said "thats it you got it".
Is that what some of you did? Well you read God said the Father will give the holy Spirit to them that ask. See they just believed what the bible said. You ask.. I did and by what the word said if I ask God will not maybe, not if I feel like it, not based on what so and so said or some Church or some group. No He said if you ask He will give it to those that ask. So nothing happened after they prayed. No one said a word. I got up went to sit down and tongues just came out exactly as the word of God said.
Heres the kicker with God. If we doubt we wont get anything. So we can "reason" it out base it on what some other GROUP or Church says and nothing will happen. If you want to see GOD move in your life then just believe. No matter what you see hear feel you stand on what He said. What do we expect God to do here when you doubt and make fun of it? You left things out.. maybe the greatest part. What did Christ say? "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. "
We know how they all saw them when they (120) came out lol. How do you act talk walk if one is drunk? Thats what they looked like. Jesus said I am He they feel backwards to the ground. All this comes down to "I never saw it felt it so I don't believe" praise God you will never see it. Some like me no matter what I see hear of feel. If GOD said it I just simply believe it. As He said to me many years ago when I questioned where are you said "WHEN Have I ever failed you" Yeah never once. Every time I stand on what He said He always answers it. His WILL? Hello read that bible ..if HE said that.. thats what He wants. Sorry I went on so long and please i am not good with words so I pray I didn't offend.
He found me so I read John 3:16-17 Rom 10:9-10. I just did and believe what He said. Luke 11:13 God said ask.. So i Just asked. See when that happened? NO ONE said "you must speak in tongues". I never looked for it thought about it. But it will happen every time someone asks for Him. Oh and before that day all saved yet after? WOW exactly as Christ said filled with power.. the joy the.. on and on..every day it never ends never gets old..HOW can it not get old? Yet it does not.
So maybe try to remember just who were talking about.