I laid down to rest, deeply fatigued, in late summer, 2013. I hadn't watch all that much of YouTube. I had no social media experience. I was rather green to the internet.
I thought, "What subject interests me most?" I decided on dinosaurs. I watched just about every video they had on dinosaurs. As I did, it was like there was an inner voice that guided me through them.
Then I thought, "Now what interests me most?" I decided on tornadoes. I watched nearly every video they had on tornadoes. As I did, an inner voice guided me through them.
Then I thought, "What interests me most?" I decided on nuclear explosions. I watched nearly every video on nuclear explosions as a still, small voice guided me through them.
After I'd watched most of them, I thought, "Now what interests me?" I settled on the military. I watched most of them, disturbed by what was revealed to me regarding UFOs, a subject that I would never watch. By the time I finished the war videos, I was okay with moving on to the next subject, UFOs.
I was surprised at how interesting the subject was. UFO Files was an excellent, unbiased series. I watched just about all the videos they had on the subject.
Then I watched a video by a guy named Trey Smith. He was new to me, but was friends with a favorite guitar player of mine, a guy named Rick Derringer. I'd seen Rick twice in concert. He blew Boston and Aerosmith off the stage.
Anyway, the video of Trey's was about a man of ancient times named Enoch. I'd read a bit about Enoch in the bible, but besides that, knew nothing about him. It was an amazing video.
And then I found a site where I read 1 Enoch, while it was narrated. It was a night in April, 2014 when I read about the Watchers and the Nephilim. Those 7 months of watching videos under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit changed my worldview.
2 years later I got interested in politics for the first time, and while watching the 2016 presidential primaries my eyes were opened up to the MSM and watched all day every day right up until the 2020 election. Then I withdrew as I found it too stressful. I have Lupus and stress is the #1 trigger for Lupus flares. I now watch from the fringes.
This is how I was red-pilled. I now know what is going on.