James 4.11 Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it.
What does this mean? How is slandering a brother in Christ judging the Law? I think that in the Law of Moses there were both rules and remedies for breaking those rules. And so, the Law was a guardian to keep people in compliance with the Law through a system of mercy.
Of course, in Christ today, we are no longer under the Law. We've received mercy beyond the Law because the Law could never bring everlasting mercy.
However, did mercy exhibited under the Law teach us not to slander one another? Is this the commandment: "Do not bear false witness against another?"
Is persisting in defying the commandments of the Law a form of "judging the Law?" Is it judging the worth of the Law?
What does this mean? How is slandering a brother in Christ judging the Law? I think that in the Law of Moses there were both rules and remedies for breaking those rules. And so, the Law was a guardian to keep people in compliance with the Law through a system of mercy.
Of course, in Christ today, we are no longer under the Law. We've received mercy beyond the Law because the Law could never bring everlasting mercy.
However, did mercy exhibited under the Law teach us not to slander one another? Is this the commandment: "Do not bear false witness against another?"
Is persisting in defying the commandments of the Law a form of "judging the Law?" Is it judging the worth of the Law?