Let me start off answering this part by stating what I've put in past posts (for your consideration
)... Very briefly (lol):
--the disciples' question to Jesus (posed in Matthew 24:3) was BASED ON what He had ALREADY spoken to them about in Matthew 13:24,30,39,40,49-50 (re: "the END [singular] of the AGE [singular]"... when the ANGELS will "REAP"). His response to their question follows, in the two chapters (Matthew 24 and 25).
So His response PARALLELS what He had ALREADY been speaking to them about in Matthew 13:24,30,39,40,49-50 ("the end of the age"... and He had, even before that, told them of [and they rightly understood]"the age [singular] to come" which follows [follows-on-the-heels-of] that [aka, what we know as "the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age, commencing upon His "RETURN" to the earth]); He was not covering any other Subject (like the LATER GWTj or "our Rapture")... He was covering the Subject of His Second Coming to the earth FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom [who it is who will ENTER that time period, as "still-living" persons upon His "RETURN" to the earth (i.e. no "resurrection [from the dead]" being spoken of in these two sections: Matt24-25 and Matt13)], and the specific, LIMITED time-period that immediately PRECEDES and LEADS UP to THAT (His Second Coming to the earth FOR the MK age);
--in Matt13, the angels [in their role as "REAPERS" at that point] will be told "collect ye FIRST the TARES"... this is the EXACT OPPOSITE SEQUENCE to that of "our Rapture [IN THE AIR]" event (bearing in mind that He'd said "let both GROW TOGETHER UNTIL"... which refers to "still-living" things [persons] being "harvested" [not a "resurrection [from the dead]" being spoken of, here--so this carries over to His LATER "response" to their Q of Matt24:3, in the two chpts which follow])
Hope that helps you see my perspective, at least a little bit = )
[p.s. I was going to go into what I've also put in past posts, that Lk21:36 ("[actively] FLEE OUT OF") is NOT a "rapture" reference, as many suppose it to be]
--the disciples' question to Jesus (posed in Matthew 24:3) was BASED ON what He had ALREADY spoken to them about in Matthew 13:24,30,39,40,49-50 (re: "the END [singular] of the AGE [singular]"... when the ANGELS will "REAP"). His response to their question follows, in the two chapters (Matthew 24 and 25).
So His response PARALLELS what He had ALREADY been speaking to them about in Matthew 13:24,30,39,40,49-50 ("the end of the age"... and He had, even before that, told them of [and they rightly understood]"the age [singular] to come" which follows [follows-on-the-heels-of] that [aka, what we know as "the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age, commencing upon His "RETURN" to the earth]); He was not covering any other Subject (like the LATER GWTj or "our Rapture")... He was covering the Subject of His Second Coming to the earth FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom [who it is who will ENTER that time period, as "still-living" persons upon His "RETURN" to the earth (i.e. no "resurrection [from the dead]" being spoken of in these two sections: Matt24-25 and Matt13)], and the specific, LIMITED time-period that immediately PRECEDES and LEADS UP to THAT (His Second Coming to the earth FOR the MK age);
--in Matt13, the angels [in their role as "REAPERS" at that point] will be told "collect ye FIRST the TARES"... this is the EXACT OPPOSITE SEQUENCE to that of "our Rapture [IN THE AIR]" event (bearing in mind that He'd said "let both GROW TOGETHER UNTIL"... which refers to "still-living" things [persons] being "harvested" [not a "resurrection [from the dead]" being spoken of, here--so this carries over to His LATER "response" to their Q of Matt24:3, in the two chpts which follow])
Hope that helps you see my perspective, at least a little bit = )
[p.s. I was going to go into what I've also put in past posts, that Lk21:36 ("[actively] FLEE OUT OF") is NOT a "rapture" reference, as many suppose it to be]
When Jesus says "before the flood", in mat 24, i wonder if he meant setting and time frame????
If he did, ( and it is true that he did), then i apparently stand alone in this entire board, of freedom to express it, see it, and analyze it.
Nobody goes there.
It is a hidden truth and somehow is scary to this entire board.
Right there . Hidden.
Nobody sees it.