Since I wrote my 2019 book "How America Ends" I've wrestled for about two years with how I'm going to deal with some of the things that are coming next for this nation and the world.
If you don't know already, this is where things are going: increasing tensions between East and West, rise of an Eastern coalition of powers, continued decline of the West, open conflict between East and West, civil war within America (probably People versus federal government), Eastern coalition surprise nuclear strike on United States, chaos on world stage, rise of the Russian bear and her allies as world superpower, new era of military conquest by the East. Likely alliance between Eastern coalition and Islam.
As a hardcore truther, I've come to realize America does not live up to her ideal. I'm still a "patriot" in the sense that I love my fellow Americans and I love the American virtues that once made this nation great. But we stripped God and the Bible out of society, and we are in hard decline, nearly a freefall in fact, in case you haven't been paying attention. I hope you are getting ready for what is next.
Jesus Christ was not a pacifist. He used a whip to drive moneychangers out of the Temple. The Bible says there is a time for war, and a time for killing. However, soldiers and police are not to abuse their position or employ violence for greedy personal gain. There are still principles in play, even in war.
The Bible says that every soul is to be subject to the higher power. I do believe this is somewhat conditional however based on other Biblical principles, including the same passage where that submission to government is laid out. Government has a duty as well, a duty to be a "sword and a terror to evildoers." And if government is telling us to disobey God, then we disobey government. "We ought to obey God rather than men."
In this country - the United States of America - government is to be "of, by, and for the People." Arguably it hasn't been that way for a long time, but it's how it should be. If it is not, then this is not America, and we have been overtaken by a hostile power that needs to be expelled. As an American I will happily rise to that duty and fight, bleed, kill, or die to make it so. The time for that isn't here yet, but as a secessionist who thinks this nation needs to purge the federal government, I can see the time is coming. This is partly why I am moving to Tennessee. The fight is coming. But my point is that the higher power in America is the American People. Their rights are what this nation should be preserving and upholding. And it's my duty as a citizen to do so as well.
One thing I will not do, however, is fight another illegal foreign war for the globalist scum who have seized power here and who rule over the People illegally right now. I'm not leaving my homeland to go fight against Russia or China or whoever the globalists say is the enemy right now (though China and the Uniparty Establishment here in America are on the same team right now). And if the elites think they can FORCE me to shed blood at their command... well actually they can. If their acts reach a certain intolerable level I will happily go to war with THEM.
Best case scenario, however, I am hoping for a peaceful secession of a new alliance of red states. I doubt it will play out like this ultimately. The federal government does not want to give up power, territory, or slaves. So they would, of course, invade any seceding states and use force to "reunite" the "Sacred Union."
If you live in a different country besides the USA, should you fight for your country if compelled to do so? Well, I would say fighting for self defense is always just. That is Biblically supportable. If it's an illegal foreign war for the Western/New World Order cabal, I would say you should seriously consider getting exempted as a conscientious objector if your nation allows, or if your country's government is completely corrupt then it might be time to leave. Nothing wrong with fleeing persecution to save your life or the lives of your family. The wise man sees the danger afar off and takes steps to avoid it.