I realize everyone is probably tired of yet another thread on sin believe me I get it but I think it needs to be talked about the correct way, now before you get any ideas no this is not about being sinless or perfect this is not about osas or if you can lose salvation it is about sin itself and the believer. I am making this thread to help the church not to put it down no judging no looking down with my arrogance and my condemnation.
So to begin we all know what sin is it is the act of defying God's will it is mans nature as Christians we are told in scripture and warned not to do this but it isn't just because it is against God's will it is because it is bad for us spiritually. Sin works like a poison a very slow poison it creeps on us and seeps slowly like alcohol you don't feel the effect of it at first but after a while it hits you hard. Sin also does another thing it brings out our second nature our self induging nature often times this is when we begin to lose that connection we normally have with God and begin to get back into the ways of the world. We have to understand that we are in a spiritual battle constantly we will always be in war against the forces of spiritual warfare sin is merely one of the tools used to bring us to the dark side for you star wars fans.
However before continuing on It is important to note that I mentioned our second nature this because our flesh our sinfulness is just that our second nature we are first and foremost beloved children of God precious and loved meyond measure, to him you are without sin already you may battle with sin you may struggle with it but you are not sin you are his your identety is not sin it is his child. Jesus himself knew fear when he was praying alone before he had to and fulfil his duty but his identity was not fear he had a moment of weakness but he chose to be strong. We are the same we have weakness we just have to choose to be strong having weakness in itself is not being weak only accepting that weakness is.
Sin is a strong opponent it can be sneaky it can be obvious yet forceful it can be so overwhelming with temptation that sometimes we just cannot beat it on our own it can even come in the form of innocence at times seeming like no big deal, we who are children of God must battle with it not because we are not but specifically because we are his, if we were not his we would bend to sin we would sin as we please and would love it it would be easy for us like breathing, but because we are his we have to battle against it we have it to deal with it we have to put on the armor of God and help each other in the battle because every warrior as strong as they may be can only be so strong on their own.
Yes we have the holy spirit as our helper but you see he works as a body not as a limb he works as an army not as a soldier it isn't enough to simply have the holy spirit we need to have our brothers and sisters in Christ why do you think our prayers are far more powerful when two or three are gathered together? When one solder falls there two or three to uphold them, when the enemy who is the author of sin attacks two or more are there help defend against him. Sin is a poison that is very real it is an enemy we all face and if we confess our sins he is quick to forgive but how do we fight against sin if we are fighting each other?
As you all have seen there have been ridiculous arguments as of late dividing and pitting everyone against each other when the enemy was there all along and no one knew it. I saw how divided everyone was and I was no exception instead of debating these doctrines that divide I found it more profitable to talk about sin itself. To discuss how to best fight it and avoid it, everyone knows how but yet I felt God telling me to make a thread on it anyways maybe it was just for one person i don't know. But we must remain firm in the scriptures in constant prayer ready to fight against all the wiles of the devil because sin is indeed a strong foe and it is sneaky it can sneak into your house and lay it's eggs under your carpet in your bed sheet in your couch and soon enough you have bed bugs you cannot get rid of.
For instance there is a particular sin I struggle with and I let it in only a little at first and then a little more then soon enough I went through a season where I couldn't stop then that sin lead to another sin that I had a very hard time stopping then that one lead to another and it was hard to get back on the right track very hard. I was in spiritual warfare for a while I had to deal with a whole mess of things and I am still not out of it either it has just lessened I do not do the sins anymore but the wounds from them are still open.
We who are spiritual warriors especially know how sin can affect a believer, those sensative to the spirit are also sensative to the all things of the spirit even the bad things so yes I know first hand how sin can be a poison how it can infect a believer but the scriptures as much as they speak on sin also speak on his grace and his love and these two things are the antivenom to sin when your heart is set on his love and his heart sin really isn't even on your radar yes you fail at times but like when you are focused on anything your pretty much oblivious to it those who focus on love who live in love those who know and cherish the kind of bond and intimacy one can have with the father naturally sin less than the average believer
This is because God instilled a genetic code into our spiritual being like that of a lamb a lamb is innocent and playful with the shepherd and did you know a lamb is immune to the venom of a serpents bite? Interesting isn't it? The love we have with God as his beloved children makes us like a lamb innocent and endearing with him and makes us immune to sins poisonous sting it odesn't affect us it has no power over us. But we also must be aware that we are also called to be warriors some of you who are already warriors know what I speak of, to have to rage war against the forces of the devil to have to deal with the things that truly require the armor of God not just a metaphor of scripture.
To be honest I am not sure how helpful this thread will be but I just wanted to give my thoughts on the matter and hopefully God will take it from here.
So to begin we all know what sin is it is the act of defying God's will it is mans nature as Christians we are told in scripture and warned not to do this but it isn't just because it is against God's will it is because it is bad for us spiritually. Sin works like a poison a very slow poison it creeps on us and seeps slowly like alcohol you don't feel the effect of it at first but after a while it hits you hard. Sin also does another thing it brings out our second nature our self induging nature often times this is when we begin to lose that connection we normally have with God and begin to get back into the ways of the world. We have to understand that we are in a spiritual battle constantly we will always be in war against the forces of spiritual warfare sin is merely one of the tools used to bring us to the dark side for you star wars fans.
However before continuing on It is important to note that I mentioned our second nature this because our flesh our sinfulness is just that our second nature we are first and foremost beloved children of God precious and loved meyond measure, to him you are without sin already you may battle with sin you may struggle with it but you are not sin you are his your identety is not sin it is his child. Jesus himself knew fear when he was praying alone before he had to and fulfil his duty but his identity was not fear he had a moment of weakness but he chose to be strong. We are the same we have weakness we just have to choose to be strong having weakness in itself is not being weak only accepting that weakness is.
Sin is a strong opponent it can be sneaky it can be obvious yet forceful it can be so overwhelming with temptation that sometimes we just cannot beat it on our own it can even come in the form of innocence at times seeming like no big deal, we who are children of God must battle with it not because we are not but specifically because we are his, if we were not his we would bend to sin we would sin as we please and would love it it would be easy for us like breathing, but because we are his we have to battle against it we have it to deal with it we have to put on the armor of God and help each other in the battle because every warrior as strong as they may be can only be so strong on their own.
Yes we have the holy spirit as our helper but you see he works as a body not as a limb he works as an army not as a soldier it isn't enough to simply have the holy spirit we need to have our brothers and sisters in Christ why do you think our prayers are far more powerful when two or three are gathered together? When one solder falls there two or three to uphold them, when the enemy who is the author of sin attacks two or more are there help defend against him. Sin is a poison that is very real it is an enemy we all face and if we confess our sins he is quick to forgive but how do we fight against sin if we are fighting each other?
As you all have seen there have been ridiculous arguments as of late dividing and pitting everyone against each other when the enemy was there all along and no one knew it. I saw how divided everyone was and I was no exception instead of debating these doctrines that divide I found it more profitable to talk about sin itself. To discuss how to best fight it and avoid it, everyone knows how but yet I felt God telling me to make a thread on it anyways maybe it was just for one person i don't know. But we must remain firm in the scriptures in constant prayer ready to fight against all the wiles of the devil because sin is indeed a strong foe and it is sneaky it can sneak into your house and lay it's eggs under your carpet in your bed sheet in your couch and soon enough you have bed bugs you cannot get rid of.
For instance there is a particular sin I struggle with and I let it in only a little at first and then a little more then soon enough I went through a season where I couldn't stop then that sin lead to another sin that I had a very hard time stopping then that one lead to another and it was hard to get back on the right track very hard. I was in spiritual warfare for a while I had to deal with a whole mess of things and I am still not out of it either it has just lessened I do not do the sins anymore but the wounds from them are still open.
We who are spiritual warriors especially know how sin can affect a believer, those sensative to the spirit are also sensative to the all things of the spirit even the bad things so yes I know first hand how sin can be a poison how it can infect a believer but the scriptures as much as they speak on sin also speak on his grace and his love and these two things are the antivenom to sin when your heart is set on his love and his heart sin really isn't even on your radar yes you fail at times but like when you are focused on anything your pretty much oblivious to it those who focus on love who live in love those who know and cherish the kind of bond and intimacy one can have with the father naturally sin less than the average believer
This is because God instilled a genetic code into our spiritual being like that of a lamb a lamb is innocent and playful with the shepherd and did you know a lamb is immune to the venom of a serpents bite? Interesting isn't it? The love we have with God as his beloved children makes us like a lamb innocent and endearing with him and makes us immune to sins poisonous sting it odesn't affect us it has no power over us. But we also must be aware that we are also called to be warriors some of you who are already warriors know what I speak of, to have to rage war against the forces of the devil to have to deal with the things that truly require the armor of God not just a metaphor of scripture.
To be honest I am not sure how helpful this thread will be but I just wanted to give my thoughts on the matter and hopefully God will take it from here.
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