An "atheist and a homosexual" writing poems- what better thing to base your salvation on? Look, I cannot judge your experience with the divine. However it sounds questionable enough that I can advise you to look closely and determine for yourself based on the whole word of God; the 66 book Bible. It's your own soul that hangs in the balance.
As for heaven opening and your experiencing God, I can tell you the enemy of your soul imitates God quite convincingly. Make sure you are following Him and not some demon.
Your nice Muslim neighbors sadly probably are more devout than the average Christian. Their god (yes, small "g") demands perfect obedience. But Allah is a demon that sank one of the most knowledgable and advanced civilizations of its time into a sub-medieval mess. It (the demon) also requires your head eventually, as demons love blood and covet the sacrifices due to God (though in a perverse form).
As for those apostate Christians, you may have guessed by now that I do not follow the standard dogma handed down by the church fathers. I read and think for myself, and I worship with believers who do the same. I do keep Torah (though not "perfectly"), and honestly it isn't that difficult. I gave up pork (not that difficult), rabbit and squirrel and other critters was a bit harder; but Lord, catfish too!? I'm a Southern boy after all ... but I gave that up as well. Point is not every Christian is the same. I've known those in different denominations whose walk with God puts me to shame, though they are not even as Torah observant as I am. But actually, if they really follow Jesus they are following a Torah observant 1st cen rabbi; a teacher. Problem is too many are like their spiritual/church fathers and they pick and choose what to obey, even in the life of Jesus. Don't lump all Christians in that group though. And don't think just because you know some nice Muslims there are not those that wish to do you harm. You are their ticket to Paradise, as the only way they can be sure of getting there is to do something like cut off your head or blow themselves up while standing next to you, for it is said:
Sura 3:157: "And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass."
Hope you never meet that kind of Muslim; but if you do, it might be nice to have a gun.
As for heaven opening and your experiencing God, I can tell you the enemy of your soul imitates God quite convincingly. Make sure you are following Him and not some demon.
Your nice Muslim neighbors sadly probably are more devout than the average Christian. Their god (yes, small "g") demands perfect obedience. But Allah is a demon that sank one of the most knowledgable and advanced civilizations of its time into a sub-medieval mess. It (the demon) also requires your head eventually, as demons love blood and covet the sacrifices due to God (though in a perverse form).
As for those apostate Christians, you may have guessed by now that I do not follow the standard dogma handed down by the church fathers. I read and think for myself, and I worship with believers who do the same. I do keep Torah (though not "perfectly"), and honestly it isn't that difficult. I gave up pork (not that difficult), rabbit and squirrel and other critters was a bit harder; but Lord, catfish too!? I'm a Southern boy after all ... but I gave that up as well. Point is not every Christian is the same. I've known those in different denominations whose walk with God puts me to shame, though they are not even as Torah observant as I am. But actually, if they really follow Jesus they are following a Torah observant 1st cen rabbi; a teacher. Problem is too many are like their spiritual/church fathers and they pick and choose what to obey, even in the life of Jesus. Don't lump all Christians in that group though. And don't think just because you know some nice Muslims there are not those that wish to do you harm. You are their ticket to Paradise, as the only way they can be sure of getting there is to do something like cut off your head or blow themselves up while standing next to you, for it is said:
Sura 3:157: "And if ye are slain, or die, in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass."
Hope you never meet that kind of Muslim; but if you do, it might be nice to have a gun.
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