Hey Eli1, did you catch Grant Wahl sportscaster at FIFA died. ABC here in Chicago played part of his podcast made at Qatar recently and Grant said, "everybody is coughing and sounds like the death rattle" and shortly after at age 49 he drops dead. Seems like warmer regions are more susceptible to pulmonary type illness. Maybe my imagination but me and a neighbor were recently agreeing to and have experienced this. Ran this by you as I thought I saw some post that you watch FIFA.
Yeah there are many layers here.
‘’This person might have died because they don’t like gays over there.
Maybe he died because of an illness.
Fifa in general sucks because they chose Qatar for the games and is a corrupt organization
qatar is also a place that I would avoid where even if you paid me I would not go there .
So there are many topics here and most are just not very important.
‘Except fifa that sucks but not much anyone can do anything about that.