Well, we are officially under martial law. Fearless leader can now bypass the courts, make new laws and bring in the military to crush any and all opposition...at his discretion. "But what about the constitution?" you might say. You mean the one his dad installed?
If, at the beginning of the truckers' convoy, you donated $20, the authorities will back trace, find you, lay criminal charges against you, freeze your bank account, ruin your reputation and life, put you in jail, at their discretion, and there will be nothing you can do about it.
Oh yeah, they'll seize your dog, put it in the pound, and when it is not adopted, it will be euthanized. I hear the majority of Canadians support this. On the plus side? As believers, we are just passing through this life, and like a handful of sand, cannot be kept.
The left has become the new right. Oh well!