That's why I tried to delete this thread, but I couldn't. I saw how much conversation was coming from the five things.

Okay, so I have so many crazy stories. God has always prepared me and provided for me. But the three big ones were after a car accident in 2002. I had been hit by several cars over and over while I was on the shoulder. Witnesses said they saw me rocking in the car before the last hit. My ankle has been impaled on the clutch, and my face had been fractured in the steering wheel, so I figure I was in shock. (Can't actually remember any of it.) For the last hit, though, I had my door open, so I think I thought I was going to try to get out. Then I was hit again, though, which sent me flying out onto the freeway, landing on the pavement behind that last car that had hit me. My intracranial pressure was so high that they didn't expect me to survive the night, but told my family I'd be dead within 3 days. After 3 days, they told my family I'd be a vegetable if I came out of my coma, encouraging my family to take me off life support. I was totally crazy when I did wake up a couple of weeks later. Every time I woke up I tried to take off everything connected to me and get out of bed, so they had to restrain me. My mom and husband would explain to me what was going on over and over. Something happened when they moved me to rehab, though. It's like I started to wake up on the way there. I became cognizant, started occupational therapy and speech therapy. (My vocal chords had been paralyzed from a botched tracheotomy.) Okay so there are miracles one and two, alive and not a vegetable. Then they said I'd never walk again. For the years I used a wheelchair and saw the orthopedic surgeon regularly, who told me I still couldn't try to walk. Then miracle the happened. At one of those routine visits, the doctor told me he had to check to make sure he really had my x-rays because all of a sudden, I had whatever had been missing and was ready to start physical therapy to walk. My serious depression has been since then and I do have ankle pain and hearing trouble and such, but I do believe God has a purpose for me. Those are the big three for me!