everything is based on the Bible shittim.
Not sure why you keep taking issue with everything I post. When you step outside that is your mission field.
God sends you where ever and has appointed the times and the places where you are born. Whatever situtation you happen to be in, its for your good. Even if it doesnt seem that way from the start.
For christians it means you are adopted into Gods family. That also means you can go to any bible based church gathering and you will be welcome...and you will grow. I dont think it necessarily means you stay in one church forever but it does mean stability rather than going from say one religion to another. You will get a lot more mileage if you establish roots and keep attedning one home church than going all over the place ten different churches for example.
How do you know where you are planted. well I live in a fairly large cosmopolitan city but I always identify as being a westie, and the people around have become community and family to me. I do everything locally. I go to local churches or if they are further afield always go with neighbours. Where I am is actually fairly poor area compared to other places. But you wouldnt know it if you lived there because the peoples hearts are so rich.
I learned not to covet what everyone else has I make do with what Ive got and been given. if that makes sense. A lot of people who judge by appareances think I am a foreigner and tell me to go back to China they are just a bit disconcerted that actually people who look different from themselves could live and be born somewhere else...!
the whole 'church plant' thing I find a bit of christianese though maybe its a pastoral thing, Sheep graze, they go and find pasture, and if there is no grass they will starve. So its up to the pastor to provide the grass if there isnt any he must grow some! Though ironically in nz to get these fields of grass they had to literally destroy much of the forest. Some land is actually better left as it is. Cos when they cut it down they found it was not much good for anything and couldnt grow any grass but by then was too late as trees were all dead.
In the Bible, which is set in the middle east, its a completely different scenario they had rocks and desert not lush rainforest. To get ANYTHING to grow they needed water. And rain was not always coming.