hmm thank God? For what? Do I rejoice? Yes amen. Not sure its wise to thank GOD for something He did not do and when He makes a way we do not take and then trials and struggles happen.. do I thank Him in those moments..as I repent and get back on the right path yes. We know His promises are YES and AMEN! He can not lie and those promises happen work every time.
Thank you much for your reply!
As I understand, my trials and struggles are (and can be used) as a source of discipline, to cause me to Turn to the Lord and correct my character and personality. Wow, is it ever working! I am so humbled by the Lord right now in all that is happening to my innocent self. I am suffering in similar ways as did Paul.
Acts 9:15-16 NIV - "But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."
No doubt, I have been horrifically oppressed over the last five years (such a tremendous story of the Power of God), thus, I seem to be fitting the story of what happens to a True Child of God (please forgive me for saying that . . . I do not want to offend anyone). We are told that the Children of God will suffer innocently, as Christ suffered from His innocence. We are to be partakers in His sufferings so that we will be made like Him.
Isaiah 45:7 NLT - "I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things."
The Lord is in full control over my life and there isn't anything I can do about it. This has been the case for me over the last five years to the exact day. I arrived as a Savior of life on October 22nd, 2016, and on October 22nd, 2021, I was served with a restraining order against the man whose life I saved (from murder by mutilation) exactly five years later. It is incredible. During these five years, I have been horrifically persecuted, and that includes my own "christian" families. One side has approximately 150 years of elevated positioning in the Faith. How they could treat me in such unbelievable ways is incredible, hence, brother against brother, father against son, etc.
So, as my life seems to mirror what is said to take place in the life of a Believer, I can only find room in my heart for gratitude, for the horrors of my life seem to indicate that I have been reborn of Incorruptible Seed. This is why I am so happy, so thankful, and so grateful! I wouldn't change one moment of my life, except perhaps those moments when I have hurt another.
I hope this makes more sense. Our God is so Powerful, only He could have orchestrated such pain, struggle, and difficulty! He is amazing!