That would be in the realm of fantasy, unless you wish to classify disasters as accomplishments. And the primary disaster is that he is in the White House by fraud. Therefore there can be no legitimate accomplishments.
Whoa! That is harsh! Did you recently hear Obama's speech, "fake outrage at fake problems".
Inflation -- Fake problem -- "stop buying so much stuff"
Gas prices soaring -- Fake problem -- real problem is "climate change" this is simply "the solution".
2 million illegal immigrants -- Fake problem -- real problem is the xenophobia of people afraid of drug cartels and human traffickers.
Transgender males raping girls in the bathroom -- fake outrage -- real problem why didn't you teach your daughter to be a black belt?
Humiliating exit from Afghanistan -- Fake outrage -- real problem is a country that glorifies war.
Schools teaching that your kid is a racist -- Fake outrage -- shut up and let the experts indoctrinate your kids.
Pornography in elementary school -- Fake outrage -- real problem is that kids can't read which is why the schools have moved to picture books.