I think illnesses that thin the populations are not sent from God directly but part of His survival of the fittest engineering protocol. We eat like crap, get little to no exercise, and have pharmaceuticals and technology keeping alive sick, diseased and genetically inferior people long after God intended. The infrastructure, and food produced to feed, clothe and shelter humanity has put a huge strain on the balance of creation. Instead of the strong ruling, thriving and passing on genes, we have the wealthy and the popular. In Africa, instead of people starving to death, like nature intends to solve a problem for future generations, the middle class send money and food to perpetuate the problem by keeping them alive enough to reproduce. God is humane. Look to the animal kingdom. The weak and sick die young. As a predator descends, the prey goes into a stage of shock. Pain does not register. A quick bite and it is over. That is God’s design. A woman having four children by four different loser dads so she can get more money from welfare is not God’s design. The only equalizer of this system is a virus that doesn’t discriminate. Whether young or old, rich or poor, white or…not white, it finds the weak and thins the herd. Do I think man can take advantage of these tiny assassins and release them at will? Absolutely! Is it possible that the Luciferian elites can manipulate the situation to administer foreign things into our bodies? Most definitely! Is it the mark of the beast? No it is not. They are absolutely conditioning us for that event. This is all the birth pangs. Be clear, there will be a global catastrophe that moves the islands, has massive meteor showers, and possibly pulls the atmosphere away (sky rolls back like a scroll). My guess is a large celestial flyby. This event is what instigates the one world government under the Beast system. Then after three and half years of peace and restructuring, the leader declares himself god and makes war on the saints. Then the mark and denouncing of faith occurs.
I asked the Lord if I should get the vaccine. He told me personally to go ahead. How can we be salt and light in this world if we can’t even leave our house? Whatever God told you, you should do.
I asked the Lord if I should get the vaccine. He told me personally to go ahead. How can we be salt and light in this world if we can’t even leave our house? Whatever God told you, you should do.
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