Hi All, I have been a Christian many years. I attended a Southern Baptist Church as a child, but it was more of a cultural thing, though thankfully I did hear the gospel in Sunday School. As an adult I attended a non denominational church for 20 years then after I felt it was becoming to man centered and seeker friendly left for a smaller denominational church, but realized after studying their foundational doctrine and the man behind it, it did not align with scripture. Since then I have visited a number of churches and during that time began to study the history of the church and denominations--I was disturbed to find Roman Catholic roots in the Protestant church and that Protestants, like the Roman Catholics has mixed in Paganism with Christianity, e.g. Christmas, Easter, Sunday worship. Also every church seemed to be the same and I began to think there was a 'Worship Team in a Box' which came with hair gel, skinny jeans, plaid shirt (with instructions to keep untucked), drum set, stage lights, etc---I hated walking into a dark room, not being able to hear the congregation singing--the same songs being sung at every church. The 'script'--song song, song...announcement...prayer...song...prayer..preach...prayer...offering /Lords supper (more of a check off a list of to dos)..song. The sermons are like the trailer of a movie--there is more to come!--the book of Romans may take a year when I'm fairly certain when the Romans received their letters from Paul they were read in one shot. To think that the bulk of the offerings go to the church building and director of this and that--in the first century money went primarily to the poor and to those few--the elders and apostles who worked full time for the gospel. It's a performance now with the majority of us uninvolved spectators. And with Covid, most churches stopped meeting--even now where I live I cant find one community bible study that is meeting in person. And denominations? How is it possible there can be so many teaching so many different things and things that can easily be refuted by scripture? I have now been searching for a House Church, but have yet to find one in my area--I'd like to start a house church movement--I'm sure there are many out there like me who are done with the institutional church, but clueless how to find them. Bottom line--too many churches are run like business, the pastor is the CEO, there are board of directors instead of elders--paid departmental directors instead of deacons. It's troubling times we're in all around. (excuse for not editing)
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