Is something wrong with me? I love men, I’ve had great relationships, however I’m turned off by the idea of a man’s sex organ going inside of my body and especially by the idea of a man releasing his bodily fluids into my body.
I don’t have any trauma in my background and I loved dating in the past, being with a man and making out. I’ve never been fully naked with a man though (just From the top up is all I could do).
Whenever a guy brings up intercourse, I get turned off and want to end the relationship. I’m over 40, is something wrong with me?
i don‘t think I’d feel safe having intercourse within marriage either, I don’t feel men are safe and I don’t think men think monogamously like we women do. I’ve also recently been reading about men who cheat on their wives and girlfriends with other men and bring back uncurable STD’s like HIV and others! I now have it in my mind that most men are bisexual and also deceptive and they also see nothing wrong with frequenting prostitutes and escorts.
is it sinful to think this way and be scared of intercourse? Is it sinful that as a woman I have not had intercourse and there’s a chance I never will, meaning I won’t have kids either? 🤔😔
I don’t have any trauma in my background and I loved dating in the past, being with a man and making out. I’ve never been fully naked with a man though (just From the top up is all I could do).
Whenever a guy brings up intercourse, I get turned off and want to end the relationship. I’m over 40, is something wrong with me?
i don‘t think I’d feel safe having intercourse within marriage either, I don’t feel men are safe and I don’t think men think monogamously like we women do. I’ve also recently been reading about men who cheat on their wives and girlfriends with other men and bring back uncurable STD’s like HIV and others! I now have it in my mind that most men are bisexual and also deceptive and they also see nothing wrong with frequenting prostitutes and escorts.
is it sinful to think this way and be scared of intercourse? Is it sinful that as a woman I have not had intercourse and there’s a chance I never will, meaning I won’t have kids either? 🤔😔
I'm still a little confused about what the real issue you're concerned about is. Is it:
1) I'm afraid I'm not normal? Not sure anyone is exactly normal and while a disinterest in sex can be isolating, if that's your biggest problem you're doing ok.
2) I want to date and eventually be married but am afriad my fear of sex will prove an insurmountable barrier ? Well it might, but you also have to keep in mind that you aren't going to marry some random man. If you marry you're going to marry an individual that you've spent time getting to know and building a relationship with and hopefully building that trust with.
3) I'm worried that my feelings are sinful and God is going to punish me for them or for remaining childless? All I can say definitively is that a phobia about sex is not something from God (even if there are perfectly good reasons for it), but God is much more likely to want to work you through the fear than punish you for it. He's for you and wants to do you good. Remember that.
4) I actually want to be married and have sex, but don't know how I'll get over this fear of contamination and feeling that men aren't capable of faithfulness? Only cure I know for that is to get to know some good men. The ones who are looking for hookups online are definitely not in this category.
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