Many of the saints here are posting about the falling away, or the great deception. What could it be? What does it look like?
In theses dark times, and even darker out look we are forced to see the world in it's true light.
Some say if only we voted for the other candidate, if they only listend to the other side we wouldn't be in this mess.
As good becomes evil and evil good the blame game starts, who's fault is it? What party of government needs to be held accountable?
Need I remind you that God still sits upon the throne, he has allowed these days as a reminder to his people that despite the I wills of the people
He is in control and nothing prospers unless it is of him.
The cries of the people for their rights, their way of thinking, the lewdness and crudeness of their actions. Are the mirror reflection of their hearts.
Anger, frustration, bitterness, spite, envy, jealously, has shaped its self into chaos. It is the very fuel evil needs to flourish.
But this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.
If we have only learned to worship and rejoice in days of plenty and peace and prosperity then what have we learned?
If we look to another person for leadership and another party to bring back morals and morale what have we learned?
If we look to the left and the right and not above what have we learned.
There is a evil agenda taking place that would like nothing better than to silence the saints, to replace their faith with fear, their kindness with bitterness, compassion and love for anger and resentment.
Saints do not be deceived. Do not faint in well doing.
Need I remind you we are called to be ambassadors, priests, and our duty is to intercede ( pray) for the people.
To give answers, to comfort, to strengthen, and proclaim the good news .
We were born for such a time as this or we would not of been born at such a time. Let us make ourselves available so God can enable us to perform his good pleasure.
Only God can change the heart of man, only God can renew a right Spirit, jesus said "you can do nothing without me".
But with God all things are possible.
We have one side that leans toward anti christ.....but then the other that says "I wills" just as our adversary said.
I say thy will be done.
In theses dark times, and even darker out look we are forced to see the world in it's true light.
Some say if only we voted for the other candidate, if they only listend to the other side we wouldn't be in this mess.
As good becomes evil and evil good the blame game starts, who's fault is it? What party of government needs to be held accountable?
Need I remind you that God still sits upon the throne, he has allowed these days as a reminder to his people that despite the I wills of the people
He is in control and nothing prospers unless it is of him.
The cries of the people for their rights, their way of thinking, the lewdness and crudeness of their actions. Are the mirror reflection of their hearts.
Anger, frustration, bitterness, spite, envy, jealously, has shaped its self into chaos. It is the very fuel evil needs to flourish.
But this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.
If we have only learned to worship and rejoice in days of plenty and peace and prosperity then what have we learned?
If we look to another person for leadership and another party to bring back morals and morale what have we learned?
If we look to the left and the right and not above what have we learned.
There is a evil agenda taking place that would like nothing better than to silence the saints, to replace their faith with fear, their kindness with bitterness, compassion and love for anger and resentment.
Saints do not be deceived. Do not faint in well doing.
Need I remind you we are called to be ambassadors, priests, and our duty is to intercede ( pray) for the people.
To give answers, to comfort, to strengthen, and proclaim the good news .
We were born for such a time as this or we would not of been born at such a time. Let us make ourselves available so God can enable us to perform his good pleasure.
Only God can change the heart of man, only God can renew a right Spirit, jesus said "you can do nothing without me".
But with God all things are possible.
We have one side that leans toward anti christ.....but then the other that says "I wills" just as our adversary said.
I say thy will be done.
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