Each family should have an emergency kit, or Go-bag ready at a moment's notice.
What goes inside?
( Check with FEMA.gov for a thorough packing list.)
For nourishment: Non-perishable food, can opener and water.
For safety: Battery-powered or hand-crank radio, pliers, whistle, flashlight and batteries,
cell phone and charger.
For health: First aid kit, dust mask, moist towelettes, garbage bags aND plastic ties.
For individual needs: Three days to a week's worth of medication, formula and diapers for babies,
extra contacts and glasses and pet food.
What goes inside?
( Check with FEMA.gov for a thorough packing list.)
For nourishment: Non-perishable food, can opener and water.
For safety: Battery-powered or hand-crank radio, pliers, whistle, flashlight and batteries,
cell phone and charger.
For health: First aid kit, dust mask, moist towelettes, garbage bags aND plastic ties.
For individual needs: Three days to a week's worth of medication, formula and diapers for babies,
extra contacts and glasses and pet food.
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