Paul says actually five times that the gospel had reached the world in his time. Romans 1:8/Romans10:18/Romans16:26 and Col.1:6 and 1:23. Now the greek word for world used here is the same word that was used when Augustus did an audit and Augustus as we know only owned the Roman Empire, not the entire globe as we know it. That's why there are translations out there that use the words "civilzed world" instead which was the Roman Empire. Jesus was saying and in the context of the chapter that the Roman Empire would be reached with the gospel before the end would come which in the context was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple as prophecied by Jesus in Matthew 23:35 and Matthew 24:1-2. That's why the high priest got so angry because not only did Jesus say that He was God but also that He would come to judge them in the clouds. In Isaish 19:1 God came on a swift cloud to judge Egypt and they trembled it said. Historic writers like Yosippon describes what was seen by everybody in Jerusalem in the skies in 66AD abd talks about armies od soldiers with fire. Jesus face was seen as well. The Eastern gate opened back then. We know that there were 1200 false prophets that arose (Josephus Flavius); the nine big earthquakes that happened; the many many wars were so many jews died in; the Christians who fled to Pella in Perea when Cestius withdrew for three days; etc etc. Days of Vengeance from padfield online is a compilation by several historic writers and what they saw back then. It's been all fulflled but we knew this as Jesus said very clealy that all those things would happen before that generation would pass. Anyone out there claiming that "this generation" means "that generation" would have to believe that Jesus will die again in our days as Luke 17:25 says that "He must be rejected and suffer much by this generation" meaning us, for the Dispensatinalists among us. The fact that you never hear of that we have to flee to the mountains of Judea could come from the same reasoning. Don't take things literal and just run to your nearest mountain :-( I hate to bring the news but it was freemason luciferian Untermeyer who sponsored Scofields Bible and the same group is behind what's happening now world wide. Jesus also said they they would not be able to go through all the cities of Israel before the coming of the son of Man and that some of them would still be alive before they would see that Son of Man coming into His Kingdom. I was deceived for 23 years but had a rude awaking ten years ago when I realized that Matthew 24 has been fulfilled and I praised God for His accuracy. Raptureless is also agreat book that goes in utter detail what actually happened during the tribulation of 66-70AD. It's shocking and parts of Deut. 28 were literally fulfilled like eating of their own babies.