They are acting like total headless chickens now. Much manipulation to get into my life, to make me get the vaccine. Been over 6 months of it now. With all sorts of threats, if I do not get the vaccine. And my faith is being targeted since I have become open about that too, and they link it on that, which is not the reason. So they have attacked my religion nonstop, calling me a fool, blaspheming, etc, which has worn me down in the past. And tried to make me go to my old friends and reconnect and get the same advice, and an ex, which I have not done till lately I did agree to, because it was tiresome.
Endless questions about if I had an apartment elsewhere still, when we all knew I had that, from where my mail was forwarded, and all saw the mail. Rent an apartment from a friend of some relatives for petes sake. Did not have the strength to go down there and move out, open secret. And fine, even though it was a waste of money of course for 2 years after being there, but accepted. Everybody who asked me, had seen the mail and knew, so I just asked them back, what do you think? Or do I? Always coming to me to blaspheme, and talking about the mark of the beast and other popularized reasons for not getting it. Then telling me I had to get the vaccine. I just tell them I will not take it, and no follow up question, just anger and walking away.
I called my ex for the first time in 2 years after moving away from theese folks who attacked my religion badly. Giving me anger every other day. And she also went on about the vaccine, after speaking some, and clearing up why I stopped taking her calls and stopped calling her. hearing how we had it in life, etc. Talked a few more times. Told her I was christian, but otherwise I was pretty much the same person. Then other family cam for the summer, and I did not call for 2 months perhaps. And on and on with blasphemy, and manipulation to get me to get the vaccine. Then I had to stop participating in familyevents, where it was all about mocking christianity, and talking about the vaccine, and how people who did not take it, was harmful to society.Then my ex drunktexted me that I had to stop by her place if I went to that city soon, as I said I might do. But had not done, and told her I might do after the family goes home for the summer. Delta came about, and it got worse. after stopped visiting them. They came to my house. Not taking it I say. No question about why, it must be religion.
Then called my ex after the drunktext, and she wanted me to come and meet her. NOW. I said I could not do it yet, and had to a chainsaw to the familytree, and it would have to wait some weeks, and more vaccinestuff. Then I got a call from the houseowner, the friend of my relatives, he had to sell the house, so I had to move, mkay. So I am moving now, and did meet my ex, who again was mad at me, for dragging it out because of the move and other stuff. And more about the vaccine. So I went to her, and we talked and had some nice chats, and hard chats. And again about the vaccine. Told her I might get it or not, not considered it, no time now. And could not take it where I was, because you had to take it in the municipality you reside in officially. First opportunity now, and now I am too busy. Talked for 8 hours. Then I go home, and today I call my parents, and on and on about the vaccine. What is going on to make everybody so crazy about the vaccine? Same with my aunt here, just had to drop visiting her today, because it was all about vaccine.Is it possible to make people let people decide for themselves? Or at least ask why you have not gotten it? Pray for the people to ask why. Not been in the place I can get it before now, now I do not have time because of the move. Why are people freaking so out about it? Is there a spreadwave coming or something? Pray that people will accept different views. Pray that people will understand when over 60% is vaccinated, the rest are safe because of herdimmunity. Pray that they can stop attacking what means something to me, to make me do a "sensible" thing, that is not easy for me, because of much social anxiety too. Big ask, many asks I know.
Endless questions about if I had an apartment elsewhere still, when we all knew I had that, from where my mail was forwarded, and all saw the mail. Rent an apartment from a friend of some relatives for petes sake. Did not have the strength to go down there and move out, open secret. And fine, even though it was a waste of money of course for 2 years after being there, but accepted. Everybody who asked me, had seen the mail and knew, so I just asked them back, what do you think? Or do I? Always coming to me to blaspheme, and talking about the mark of the beast and other popularized reasons for not getting it. Then telling me I had to get the vaccine. I just tell them I will not take it, and no follow up question, just anger and walking away.
I called my ex for the first time in 2 years after moving away from theese folks who attacked my religion badly. Giving me anger every other day. And she also went on about the vaccine, after speaking some, and clearing up why I stopped taking her calls and stopped calling her. hearing how we had it in life, etc. Talked a few more times. Told her I was christian, but otherwise I was pretty much the same person. Then other family cam for the summer, and I did not call for 2 months perhaps. And on and on with blasphemy, and manipulation to get me to get the vaccine. Then I had to stop participating in familyevents, where it was all about mocking christianity, and talking about the vaccine, and how people who did not take it, was harmful to society.Then my ex drunktexted me that I had to stop by her place if I went to that city soon, as I said I might do. But had not done, and told her I might do after the family goes home for the summer. Delta came about, and it got worse. after stopped visiting them. They came to my house. Not taking it I say. No question about why, it must be religion.
Then called my ex after the drunktext, and she wanted me to come and meet her. NOW. I said I could not do it yet, and had to a chainsaw to the familytree, and it would have to wait some weeks, and more vaccinestuff. Then I got a call from the houseowner, the friend of my relatives, he had to sell the house, so I had to move, mkay. So I am moving now, and did meet my ex, who again was mad at me, for dragging it out because of the move and other stuff. And more about the vaccine. So I went to her, and we talked and had some nice chats, and hard chats. And again about the vaccine. Told her I might get it or not, not considered it, no time now. And could not take it where I was, because you had to take it in the municipality you reside in officially. First opportunity now, and now I am too busy. Talked for 8 hours. Then I go home, and today I call my parents, and on and on about the vaccine. What is going on to make everybody so crazy about the vaccine? Same with my aunt here, just had to drop visiting her today, because it was all about vaccine.Is it possible to make people let people decide for themselves? Or at least ask why you have not gotten it? Pray for the people to ask why. Not been in the place I can get it before now, now I do not have time because of the move. Why are people freaking so out about it? Is there a spreadwave coming or something? Pray that people will accept different views. Pray that people will understand when over 60% is vaccinated, the rest are safe because of herdimmunity. Pray that they can stop attacking what means something to me, to make me do a "sensible" thing, that is not easy for me, because of much social anxiety too. Big ask, many asks I know.
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