The born again, are initially justified by faith......... and then we are kept justified by the blood of Jesus.
Once you are born again, you are always born again..
How does this begin?
1.) God accepts our faith to : "justified by faith".. 2,) ."faith is counted AS righteousness".
What does that mean?
It means that God accepts your faith in the Holy ONE as if you are the same righteousness as the Holy One.
Christ on the Cross becomes all your sin, and dies for it all, and you live as Christ's Righteousness, as who you have become "in Christ".... born again.
This is what it means to be "made righteous". and "faith is counted as righteousness".
Salvation, is God re-creating you, born again, as a "new Creation", >Spiritually<, as part of God's Holy Spirit.
And then He seals this for eternity, by putting you IN Christ and Christ in you, so that you remain the same, Spiritually. = "ONE with God", as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
See that?
That is who you become when you are born again, and that is who you remain because you have been born again as "the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD".
That is who you are, as a "new Creation"..'in Christ"., if you are born again, and not just water baptized.
And notice that you did nothing to become "Made righteous", but give God your faith, and God does the REST for you, as "the GIFT of Salvation".
Philippians 1:6
2.) God accepts our faith : "as Righteousness".
This happens once.
The proof = Born again with Christ not in you.
So If you are in a "church" that has lied to you, and is keeping you under terrible bondage to the "law" and "commandments", by telling you, that..>"if you sin, you lose your salvation, and when you confess you get it back". Or, if they tell you.."if you sin, you lost fellowship with God and if you confess, you get it back".
See that?
That is the devil's lie. As the devil does not want you to TRUST in Christ, He want's you to trust in your confessing and your commandment keeping, and to never understand that once you are born again, you are always born again.
So, if that is your church, lying to you...... then GET OUT OF IT and never look back.
3.) The blood of Jesus continues to Justify you and keep you as righteous as it did when it saved you, by forgiving all your sin.
Saint.....You have to realize something about the blood of Jesus and the Cross of Christ,...... to understand the Grace of God.
Look closely..
Notice that the Cross is 2000+ yrs ago, an it is STILL the only way to Heaven.
The Gospel is "Christ Crucified", "all who BELIEVE".
Its because the blood that was shed on the Cross, is God's BLOOD, and this blood has eternal> redeeming Power.
It is still saving the world, one believer at at time, 2000+ yrs later.
And that is why this holy Blood, keeps you RIGHTEOUS FOREVER, once God applies it to you... as the blood atonement, which is your redemption.
The BLOOD of God, once applied to you as forgiveness and "the gift of righteousness", always continues to redeem you from your sin for as long as God lives.
Welcome to your = SALVATION.
4.) So, then "being Justified"....this is Christ's BLOOD that keeps you justified...or "being Justified"......"continuing to be".
Its this.....>"Jesus is the FINISHER of our FAITH.
Its This. Jesus is our.."eternal LIFE".
Its this." Made righteous" by the blood and death of Jesus.
Its this. "Blood bought" by Christ's redeeming blood.
Its This..>"God who began salvation in the born again, will HIMSELF be faithful to complete it"... Philippians 1:6
So, see all that? = Your Salvation.
You Give God your faith, and He accept this to Justify you based on the CROSS....., and then Jesus who is GOD finishes your faith and God finishes your salvation.
YourSalvation is a GIFT provided by God.
Understand.....= Salvation is ALL of God.
He created it with the Blood and Death of Jesus on The Cross 2000 yrs ago, proven by the resurrection of Jesus The Christ...... and then GOD maintains it Himself as your "gift of Salvation".
Your part?
You receive God's GIFT of Salvation.
Thats your only part in Salvation. You receive it..... Its a GIFT.
Saint, Salvation is not you holding unto God,......Salvation is God holding unto YOU< by and through the Blood and Death and Resurrection of Jesus, and THAT is your Eternal Life, secured.
The born again, are initially justified by faith......... and then we are kept justified by the blood of Jesus.
Once you are born again, you are always born again..
How does this begin?
1.) God accepts our faith to : "justified by faith".. 2,) ."faith is counted AS righteousness".
What does that mean?
It means that God accepts your faith in the Holy ONE as if you are the same righteousness as the Holy One.
Christ on the Cross becomes all your sin, and dies for it all, and you live as Christ's Righteousness, as who you have become "in Christ".... born again.
This is what it means to be "made righteous". and "faith is counted as righteousness".
Salvation, is God re-creating you, born again, as a "new Creation", >Spiritually<, as part of God's Holy Spirit.
And then He seals this for eternity, by putting you IN Christ and Christ in you, so that you remain the same, Spiritually. = "ONE with God", as "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
See that?
That is who you become when you are born again, and that is who you remain because you have been born again as "the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD".
That is who you are, as a "new Creation"..'in Christ"., if you are born again, and not just water baptized.
And notice that you did nothing to become "Made righteous", but give God your faith, and God does the REST for you, as "the GIFT of Salvation".
Philippians 1:6
2.) God accepts our faith : "as Righteousness".
This happens once.
The proof = Born again with Christ not in you.
So If you are in a "church" that has lied to you, and is keeping you under terrible bondage to the "law" and "commandments", by telling you, that..>"if you sin, you lose your salvation, and when you confess you get it back". Or, if they tell you.."if you sin, you lost fellowship with God and if you confess, you get it back".
See that?
That is the devil's lie. As the devil does not want you to TRUST in Christ, He want's you to trust in your confessing and your commandment keeping, and to never understand that once you are born again, you are always born again.
So, if that is your church, lying to you...... then GET OUT OF IT and never look back.
3.) The blood of Jesus continues to Justify you and keep you as righteous as it did when it saved you, by forgiving all your sin.
Saint.....You have to realize something about the blood of Jesus and the Cross of Christ,...... to understand the Grace of God.
Look closely..
Notice that the Cross is 2000+ yrs ago, an it is STILL the only way to Heaven.
The Gospel is "Christ Crucified", "all who BELIEVE".
Its because the blood that was shed on the Cross, is God's BLOOD, and this blood has eternal> redeeming Power.
It is still saving the world, one believer at at time, 2000+ yrs later.
And that is why this holy Blood, keeps you RIGHTEOUS FOREVER, once God applies it to you... as the blood atonement, which is your redemption.
The BLOOD of God, once applied to you as forgiveness and "the gift of righteousness", always continues to redeem you from your sin for as long as God lives.
Welcome to your = SALVATION.
4.) So, then "being Justified"....this is Christ's BLOOD that keeps you justified...or "being Justified"......"continuing to be".
Its this.....>"Jesus is the FINISHER of our FAITH.
Its This. Jesus is our.."eternal LIFE".
Its this." Made righteous" by the blood and death of Jesus.
Its this. "Blood bought" by Christ's redeeming blood.
Its This..>"God who began salvation in the born again, will HIMSELF be faithful to complete it"... Philippians 1:6
So, see all that? = Your Salvation.
You Give God your faith, and He accept this to Justify you based on the CROSS....., and then Jesus who is GOD finishes your faith and God finishes your salvation.
YourSalvation is a GIFT provided by God.
Understand.....= Salvation is ALL of God.
He created it with the Blood and Death of Jesus on The Cross 2000 yrs ago, proven by the resurrection of Jesus The Christ...... and then GOD maintains it Himself as your "gift of Salvation".
Your part?
You receive God's GIFT of Salvation.
Thats your only part in Salvation. You receive it..... Its a GIFT.
Saint, Salvation is not you holding unto God,......Salvation is God holding unto YOU< by and through the Blood and Death and Resurrection of Jesus, and THAT is your Eternal Life, secured.