Hey Everyone,
An ongoing thread made me think about how much society encourages us to focus on the self: basically, the world wants to tell you, "It's all about you!" And the thing is, our sinful nature might even want to shout back, "Well it's about time!!!"
I often struggle to balance a sense of trying to be there for others along with my own self-care. It can be so easy to tip the scales, and then suddenly we are either neglecting ourselves, or, on the flip side, we're thinking about our own interests far too much.
I've never joined a site like Facebook simply because I knew it would take up too much time, pull me into fights I'd rather not get into, and... admittedly, it would beckon my inner high school oddball self into wanting to try to make it look like I actually have a life. I know there is something in my heart that would fall prey to wanting to "make up" for all the cool circles I never fit into and would succumb to the temptation of trying to "show off" the best parts of my life, without the myriad of struggles.
And so, I try my best to avoid media and people who are right there encouraging our sinful nature to stand up and shout, "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!"
How about the rest of you? What have your experiences been?
* Give us an example of selfie-ness (self-centeredness) that you've seen in your own life. It doesn't have to revolve around social media -- just think of a case in which a person makes absolutely everything about themselves.
* How have you dealt with such people, whether in real life or online?
* Have you ever seen an example in which a self-centered person completely changed, and became focused on others instead?
* Do you find yourself fighting the calls of today's culture to "Make It All About You?" How do you keep your own self under control?
I would love to hear your thoughts and stories.
An ongoing thread made me think about how much society encourages us to focus on the self: basically, the world wants to tell you, "It's all about you!" And the thing is, our sinful nature might even want to shout back, "Well it's about time!!!"
I often struggle to balance a sense of trying to be there for others along with my own self-care. It can be so easy to tip the scales, and then suddenly we are either neglecting ourselves, or, on the flip side, we're thinking about our own interests far too much.
I've never joined a site like Facebook simply because I knew it would take up too much time, pull me into fights I'd rather not get into, and... admittedly, it would beckon my inner high school oddball self into wanting to try to make it look like I actually have a life. I know there is something in my heart that would fall prey to wanting to "make up" for all the cool circles I never fit into and would succumb to the temptation of trying to "show off" the best parts of my life, without the myriad of struggles.
And so, I try my best to avoid media and people who are right there encouraging our sinful nature to stand up and shout, "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!"
How about the rest of you? What have your experiences been?
* Give us an example of selfie-ness (self-centeredness) that you've seen in your own life. It doesn't have to revolve around social media -- just think of a case in which a person makes absolutely everything about themselves.
* How have you dealt with such people, whether in real life or online?
* Have you ever seen an example in which a self-centered person completely changed, and became focused on others instead?
* Do you find yourself fighting the calls of today's culture to "Make It All About You?" How do you keep your own self under control?
I would love to hear your thoughts and stories.
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