There are multitudes of scripture telling us of God's law. The 119th psalm praises the law, yet many read Paul as saying we it is dead to us.
We will allways need more interpretation of scripture. scripture cant be worked out on Just one phrase of the bible, the mind tho says enough and wants a simple understanding, so its easy to fall into the mind set that this all you need to understand scripture is a golden rule. Theres allways a question to question a scripture, or theres allways your own understanding of one scripture that clashes with your own understanding of a nother scripture. If you have a good freind to talk to about understanding scripture, the two of you will not fall out over difference of opinion. Showing spiritual disernment will be appreciated between friends and not taken as perosnal critisim or Judging one a nother. In a public forum you dont have that luxury always, Theres a lot of hurting people, You also have to tread on egg shells with some topics of faith, because faith means so much to people especially topics about salvation. Its a really sencitive area that should you get wrong in somebodies else eyes you will wound them, and then you have to pass an examination of your faith, and sadly it becomes personal and you have to pass an examination of your nature and attitude.
But on a whole if you leave for a couple of days and come back most christians forget and forgive lol so its all good. Ive forgot many issues with scripture and its like they havent happened to me. but no doubt issues with scripture will pop up again lol and then we could go back to world war 3 again, unless i choose to bridle my tounge lol.
But personaly i dont have issues with scripture untill there raised lol, im sure thats the same for most people.