My wife and I want to sell our house and buy another house, but the housing market right now is insane! Every time we go to make an offer on a house (offer them the asking price) 5 other vultures have already offered around $30,000 above the asking price. My wife's realtor friend told her there are a lot of houses coming up in foreclosure by the end of the year when the CARES act runs out (numerous people who were hurt by the coronavirus pandemic did not make payments for extended periods of time) and can be foreclosed on after that and maybe if we sold our house now and rented until January, we could get a good deal on a house that has been foreclosed on, but relief measures may be extended and we will find ourselves in the same boat in 6 months with $7,000-$8,000 less in our pocket from payments we could have still been making on our house if we did not sell it. What should we do? Our house will be payed off next summer and my wife is driving me crazy to move! 
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