When first the Holy Spirit entered into me I was also given to read the Word. Previous sto this I had attmpted many times to read the Word but I could not make sense of it nor read more than a line or two, and I was given to put it down being confused by it al.
The k night of my having received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, I was led to a blue book opned, face down in a storage room of the Hungry I, a coffee house on campus. Why I was in the storage room is another of those miracles, for I was moved by the Holy Spirit to go into this sroom
I picked up the book, and began to read from the opned to pages. As I read , I kept saying, "this is true, oh yes, this is true."
I looked dto the top of the page, and it wass Isaiah. I could not put it down, so I read and read. Looking at the front of the book, I saw it was the Oxford Study Bible.
The following day I went to the Student Book Store and purchased my own version of the same.
Now the firsst time through I could ndot put it down. I took off to the Rockies in Colorado, USA, and studied and shared it with whoever would have the patience to hear me.
Since then I haave been reading and reading, yet, although I believe it all, I understand very little, and that is really no biggy since it seems no ne understands much of it anyway, and those who say they do seem to be hung up on points and words. Not that words of the Word are not important but they are many times just for the reader to truly understand.
My experience was on Good Friday 1969. I have been reading ever since, and learning very little, but I know that my Salvation is the deed on the Cross done by the Only Begotten Son, my Lord, Kind, Savior Friend and much more.