I ain't getting no microchip.
What about cryptocurrency?
Like if you have an account and card?
Or does the payment method have to physically be in your body?
So like, not even Card?
Good day, Amaryllis,
Let's look at the scripture so that we can use the information to come to a right conclusion:
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark—the name of the beast or the number of its name.
All People small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, covers all people from all walks of life and world-wide.
The mark will either go on the right hand or the forehead. Therefore, whatever the mark ends being, that's where it will be located. A vaccine doesn't do that, because once you get the shot it travels throughout one's body and is assimilated. In opposition, the mark will remain stationary on either the hand or the forehead.
When I saw the first ATM's appear I knew that it was relevant to that coming mark, then the Universal Product Code (UPC) came out so that products could be scanned. And which was followed by the Point of Sale system (POS) with the Verifone device, allowing people to swipe or tap their cards and which debits their bank account in real-time.
One of the purposes of the mark will be to buy or sell. To put that into perspective for our time, that would be digital crediting and debiting, which is what we have been doing for many years now.
People in Sweden are ahead of the rest of the world in regards to being a cashless society, for all their purchases have been done with bank cards. However, since 2015 they have moved to the next phase of the evolution of the mark of the beast technology, where many of their citizens are being chipped with an RFID chip between the thumb and index finger, using it to make purchases, such as paying for their train tickets right on the train with a scan of the chip in their hand.
The mark technology could not just pop up over night, but had to evolve, since it will utilize our digital crediting and debiting system via computer systems. This is also why for many years, we have been seeing the push to get away from paying via invoice remittance to paying on line or automatic digital deduction from our bank accounts. This is all getting set up in preparation for that coming antichrist/beast. And since we can see all of this happening, then how close are we to the Lord's appearing to gather His church?
But to answer your question, because I know what this technology is, I have endeavored to stay away from card swiping and have continued to pay via check and cash to make my purchases.
Though the mark of the beast system is still evolving, the antichrist/beast himself has not yet been revealed. It will not be until the middle of that seven year period that the mark will become the only way of crediting and debiting one's bank account. And the only way that system can work, is if all other methods of buying and selling are made obsolete.
I think of the mark of the beast like being that proverbial line being drawn in the sand, because it will force everyone to make a personal choice to reject it or receive it. And according to Revelation 14:9-11, we know what the consequences are for those who receive it.
So, I would say that if anyone is currently card swiping or using that RFID chip, I would say that they have not received the mark. However, it is not a good sign that people are eager to use this system. We should be resisting it as much as we can, knowing what it is and who it will represent. That it will be the only way of buying and selling will have an impact on peoples decision. All who do receive it, will be those whose names that have not been written in the book of life before the world began. Regarding this technology, check out the following:
I Put A Payment Chip In My Hand To Replace My Wallet - Bing video
Why human microchipping is so popular in Sweden | ITV News - Bing video