Aye! I'm fairly new to the faith, not sure exactly when I was saved tbh... either 9 months or a little over a year ago.
For some other info, I'm non-denom but agree with a lot of Calvinistic views. I believe the denoms create an unbiblical separation.
What came first, the separation or the denomination? Whether you use the term baptist, Pentecostal, calvinist, Armenianism, pre-trib, post-trib, etc etc etc they're all nothing more than ways to label a belief, or set of beliefs. Denominations are a symptom of the fact that two hold separate views, not the reason separate views exist.
From there people idolize their denomination (label of beliefs) or misuse it.
The very fact that you claim to hold even some calvinist views is equally as divisive as giving a denomination.
Denomination bashing is typically just a scapegoat for the simple fact that a group of people claiming to hold the truth can't agree on what that truth is. It's easier to rally around the hatred of a symbol than it is to acknowledge there is a deeper problem than people want to admit.