NO this thread does not have anything to do with premarital sex. 

Today while I was on the job my hands had a lot to do but my brain was idling. I started thinking about how technology might give an engaged couple a taste of living together before they actually get married and have to put up with each other for real.
Here's what my brain came up with:
- Both people set up a phone or tablet with a permanent internet connection (wifi probably) and a video chat program that is set to automatically answer incoming video calls (this is actually a thing. Skype can be set to auto-answer video chats, and I have used it to give the family a portal to talk to Grandma from wherever they are) and set the phone in the corner of the room where they spend the most time.
- Both people start a video chat running as soon as they get home (unless one is already running.)
- Both people give each other a run-down of their work schedules, so they at least have a ballpark idea of when each other will be home.
- Eye contact and constant attentiveness to the communication line is not mandatory or even encouraged. The goal is to have an idea of what it is like to be in each other's presence for extended periods every day, not have hours-long direct conversations... unless that's what they both want to do every day. Some people talk a lot more than others.
- Only stop the video chat when somebody goes to bed.
Of course this won't give a FULL idea of what it's like to live with somebody else. They won't get any experience with her hogging the bathroom or him leaving his dirty socks in the living room floor for the 500th time. But it will give them at least a bit of an idea of what it's like to live with each other. It will give two single people some experience in living in a house where there is always somebody else present, instead of being all alone.
Does he pick his nose absent-mindedly? Does she have post-nasal drip and clear her throat every five minutes? Does he cuss when he gets ticked about something? Can she handle having somebody within earshot all the time or will the strain of "somebody else is in the area" all the time wear her down?
On the flip side, it will also give them some experience in always having a companion who is there to talk if needed, but (hopefully) can do normal life if conversation is not needed.
Comments? Modifications? Suggestions? Criticism? Sometimes when I let my brain wander it comes up with some pretty neat things. Other times it's scary where my brain will blunder into. This time I'm hoping y'all can tell me which this idea is.
Today while I was on the job my hands had a lot to do but my brain was idling. I started thinking about how technology might give an engaged couple a taste of living together before they actually get married and have to put up with each other for real.
Here's what my brain came up with:
- Both people set up a phone or tablet with a permanent internet connection (wifi probably) and a video chat program that is set to automatically answer incoming video calls (this is actually a thing. Skype can be set to auto-answer video chats, and I have used it to give the family a portal to talk to Grandma from wherever they are) and set the phone in the corner of the room where they spend the most time.
- Both people start a video chat running as soon as they get home (unless one is already running.)
- Both people give each other a run-down of their work schedules, so they at least have a ballpark idea of when each other will be home.
- Eye contact and constant attentiveness to the communication line is not mandatory or even encouraged. The goal is to have an idea of what it is like to be in each other's presence for extended periods every day, not have hours-long direct conversations... unless that's what they both want to do every day. Some people talk a lot more than others.
- Only stop the video chat when somebody goes to bed.
Of course this won't give a FULL idea of what it's like to live with somebody else. They won't get any experience with her hogging the bathroom or him leaving his dirty socks in the living room floor for the 500th time. But it will give them at least a bit of an idea of what it's like to live with each other. It will give two single people some experience in living in a house where there is always somebody else present, instead of being all alone.
Does he pick his nose absent-mindedly? Does she have post-nasal drip and clear her throat every five minutes? Does he cuss when he gets ticked about something? Can she handle having somebody within earshot all the time or will the strain of "somebody else is in the area" all the time wear her down?
On the flip side, it will also give them some experience in always having a companion who is there to talk if needed, but (hopefully) can do normal life if conversation is not needed.
Comments? Modifications? Suggestions? Criticism? Sometimes when I let my brain wander it comes up with some pretty neat things. Other times it's scary where my brain will blunder into. This time I'm hoping y'all can tell me which this idea is.
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