We tend to think, that is some Christian is an anointed man of God, and God heals people through him, then he can not get sick. But, that kind of an idea, is far from the truth.
A person can be mightily used by God, and even have a healing ministry, but that does not guarantee, that he can not get sick. God has provided and guaranteed our healing, but he has not guaranteed Christians being unable to get sick. Why am I asserting that? Because of the man, who wrote most of the New Testament, Apostle Paul.
If we read in Galatians 4:13, 14, we can see, that even Apostle Paul was at one time sick, while he preached the Gospel, to the Galatians people. And it is written, that the people in Galatia, to whom Paul preached the gospel, did not treat his with contempt, because of his illness. Now that is a very important principle, for us Christians to know, that if we see a Christian sick, we should not think that he does not have enough faith, to be healed, or treat him with a scorn, just like the Galatian people, who did not treat with scorn, Apostle Paul, because of his illness.
If Apostle Paul was sick, for whatever reason, does it mean, that he did not have enough faith? No, I do not think so, because Paul was one of the followers of Jesus, who was used to see God heal people, when he prayed for them. Paul definitely had strong faith in God, for healing people by prayer, but we do not know for sure, why exactly, he was sick, while preaching the Gospel, at the same time.
So, if we as Christians get sick, we should not give hope, that God will heal us, and it does not mean, that we do not have enough faith, to be healed. Sometimes, we do not know exactly, why some people do not get healed, even if they display a great faith for their healing, and even if they are mightily used by God. But that does not mean, that they should not continue to have faith and hope in God, for their healing, because our healing for us as Christians, has already provided for us by God, by the death of Jesus on the cross, and by his resurrection from the grave. All we have to do, is just accept our healing by faith, and thank God for our healing, because by the wounds of Jesus, we have been healed, just as the Bible says!
A person can be mightily used by God, and even have a healing ministry, but that does not guarantee, that he can not get sick. God has provided and guaranteed our healing, but he has not guaranteed Christians being unable to get sick. Why am I asserting that? Because of the man, who wrote most of the New Testament, Apostle Paul.
If we read in Galatians 4:13, 14, we can see, that even Apostle Paul was at one time sick, while he preached the Gospel, to the Galatians people. And it is written, that the people in Galatia, to whom Paul preached the gospel, did not treat his with contempt, because of his illness. Now that is a very important principle, for us Christians to know, that if we see a Christian sick, we should not think that he does not have enough faith, to be healed, or treat him with a scorn, just like the Galatian people, who did not treat with scorn, Apostle Paul, because of his illness.
If Apostle Paul was sick, for whatever reason, does it mean, that he did not have enough faith? No, I do not think so, because Paul was one of the followers of Jesus, who was used to see God heal people, when he prayed for them. Paul definitely had strong faith in God, for healing people by prayer, but we do not know for sure, why exactly, he was sick, while preaching the Gospel, at the same time.
So, if we as Christians get sick, we should not give hope, that God will heal us, and it does not mean, that we do not have enough faith, to be healed. Sometimes, we do not know exactly, why some people do not get healed, even if they display a great faith for their healing, and even if they are mightily used by God. But that does not mean, that they should not continue to have faith and hope in God, for their healing, because our healing for us as Christians, has already provided for us by God, by the death of Jesus on the cross, and by his resurrection from the grave. All we have to do, is just accept our healing by faith, and thank God for our healing, because by the wounds of Jesus, we have been healed, just as the Bible says!
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