On the left: The creation of Adam, fresco painting by Michelangelo, 16th century, the painting is on the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, in Vatican city
On the right: The creation of Adam, mosaic, unknown artist(s), 12-13th c, in Monreale, Sicily (Italy)
I invite you to analyze the two and to answer to the following questions:
1. When you think of the creation of Adam, which one of the two images is more likely to come to your mind?
2. Which image you consider to be closer to the biblical narration of the creation?
3. Do you think it's right to portray God the Father as an old man?
4. Do you think it's correct to portray God the Son incarnated at the creation of Adam? What message/teaching wanted the author(s) to convey by showing Jesus Christ at the beginning of the world?
5. How is the presence of the Holy Trinity suggested in the icon?
I hope this will shed more light to your understanding of who Jesus Christ is.
God bless you all!

On the right: The creation of Adam, mosaic, unknown artist(s), 12-13th c, in Monreale, Sicily (Italy)
I invite you to analyze the two and to answer to the following questions:
1. When you think of the creation of Adam, which one of the two images is more likely to come to your mind?
2. Which image you consider to be closer to the biblical narration of the creation?
3. Do you think it's right to portray God the Father as an old man?
4. Do you think it's correct to portray God the Son incarnated at the creation of Adam? What message/teaching wanted the author(s) to convey by showing Jesus Christ at the beginning of the world?
5. How is the presence of the Holy Trinity suggested in the icon?
I hope this will shed more light to your understanding of who Jesus Christ is.
God bless you all!

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