- Einstein never liked the idea that nature is uncertain and he once said “does that mean the Moon is not there when I am not looking at it”.
What he didn't consider is that God is everywhere. If something needs to be real to our reality, God makes it so. In Science, we call it wave collapse. A quantum wave is becoming a physical particle. That sounds like Creation to me.
You need something smaller than a virus to display the effect of something not being real/physical.
With God in control of wave collapse, it means God could design the Universe and then set the history to match whatever He physically made. A quantum wave doesn't have a physical history until it is collapsed. This answers why we question the age of the Earth to what it says in the Bible. It could also answer evolution.
This would mean God is the Universal Observer and the Universal Wave. It answers the measurement problem, observer effect, and the unified theory. Does something entangled with itself join the Universal Wave? Are there levels of observation to God? ..like something that lets God observe all, but also allows Him to muffle sin?
Could there be a natural boundary between local and non-local via the size something can't entangle with itself anymore while in superposition? God is the Universal Wave, so He is entangled with the smaller particles that can entangle with themselves. He just doesn't enact wave-collapse unless it is necessary.
Is wave collapse something that isn't entangled with God anymore?
Entangled with God because He is infinite and so is superposition.
God still knows of something after it is wave collapsed, it just isn't entangled with Him.
Something can't be entangled with God if it is too large to be entangled with itself or if it is observed/measured/decohered/fallen.
You need God for wave collapse to physical particles. Does that mean creation is still happening?
A fallen state = age, death, decay, and entropy. You can be about yourself separated from God the Father ..you can sin. I think satan has something to do with a fallen state. Just being fallen didn't give us the ability to sin here. Something had to happen to unleash that ..like what happened in the Garden.
The age is the amount of time you spent in a fallen state.
Eating the fruit caused a fallen state and the first sin.
Is the last Adam about the first to last sin?