Am I the only one who does this?
Often when I talk to somebody I will deliberately emphasize emotional displays to make sure the person I'm talking to catches them. If the person asked me a question I will find myself consciously trying to look like I'm thinking about it, so he will know I'm taking the question seriously. If I don't understand something I might make certain to look confused, so he'll know I'm lost here.
And of course... if he told a really bad joke I'll put effort into giving him a really wry look, so he'll know for sure that I thought that was a real stinker.
Anybody else ever notice yourself deliberately expressing emotions for effect?
Often when I talk to somebody I will deliberately emphasize emotional displays to make sure the person I'm talking to catches them. If the person asked me a question I will find myself consciously trying to look like I'm thinking about it, so he will know I'm taking the question seriously. If I don't understand something I might make certain to look confused, so he'll know I'm lost here.
And of course... if he told a really bad joke I'll put effort into giving him a really wry look, so he'll know for sure that I thought that was a real stinker.
Anybody else ever notice yourself deliberately expressing emotions for effect?
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