A summary of Rev 19-21 for your perusal:
The Rapture will happen sometime soon. You and I will suddenly be zipped up to Heaven along with all the other Christians including the ones that are dead in the cemeteries. We will then get glorified bodies and attend a Great Wedding Feast in Heaven. Some will be given crowns and rewards (the last shall be first). Those who were not ready for the Rapture will remain on Earth for 7 Years of Tribulation. Satan will try to get everyone to take on something called the “666 Mark of the Beast”. Those who refuse it will be hunted down and have their heads chopped off. After 7 years of these terrible times, Jesus will come back down to Earth and bring us with Him. This event is called “Christ’s Second Coming”. Jesus shall conquer all who resist Him as Him. This is called the “Battle of Armageddon”. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron until all His enemies be made His footstool. We shall rule with Jesus for 1000 years (“The Millennial Reign”). Some will have escaped the 7 years of Tribulation without getting their heads chopped off and will reproduce and repopulate the Earth during this 1000 year Millennial Reign. Satan will be bound with a great chain and be casted into a pit for this 1000 year period, but at the end of it he shall be released and find many followers who resented Jesus’ Rule over the Earth. Jesus will put a quick end to this rebellion and cast Satan into the “Lake of Fire” permanently.
The next great event on the calendar will be the “Resurrection of the Damned”. This is also called the “2nd Resurrection”(the 1st being the Rapture.) All the wicked ones from all ages past and present shall be brought before Jesus for what is called the “White Throne Judgement”. This judgement is only for the wicked ones. All will be found without excuse and will be cast into the Lake of Fire to spend eternity there with their father the Devil.
A great, great, city Shall then descend from the sky. This is “The New Jerusalem come down out of Heaven”. This is the Final State of things and the beginning of our eternity with Jesus.
All these thing I have spoken of are covered in just 3 short chapters at the end of Revelation. Just read chapters 19,20, and 21. Chapter 19 speaks of the end of 7 years of Tribulation on Earth and mentions The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in verses 7,8, and 9. We then then read of the Second Coming of the Lord upon a white horse with all the armies of Heaven at it proceeds from there until we read of the New Jerusalem at the end of chapter 21.
The Rapture will happen sometime soon. You and I will suddenly be zipped up to Heaven along with all the other Christians including the ones that are dead in the cemeteries. We will then get glorified bodies and attend a Great Wedding Feast in Heaven. Some will be given crowns and rewards (the last shall be first). Those who were not ready for the Rapture will remain on Earth for 7 Years of Tribulation. Satan will try to get everyone to take on something called the “666 Mark of the Beast”. Those who refuse it will be hunted down and have their heads chopped off. After 7 years of these terrible times, Jesus will come back down to Earth and bring us with Him. This event is called “Christ’s Second Coming”. Jesus shall conquer all who resist Him as Him. This is called the “Battle of Armageddon”. Jesus will rule with a rod of iron until all His enemies be made His footstool. We shall rule with Jesus for 1000 years (“The Millennial Reign”). Some will have escaped the 7 years of Tribulation without getting their heads chopped off and will reproduce and repopulate the Earth during this 1000 year Millennial Reign. Satan will be bound with a great chain and be casted into a pit for this 1000 year period, but at the end of it he shall be released and find many followers who resented Jesus’ Rule over the Earth. Jesus will put a quick end to this rebellion and cast Satan into the “Lake of Fire” permanently.
The next great event on the calendar will be the “Resurrection of the Damned”. This is also called the “2nd Resurrection”(the 1st being the Rapture.) All the wicked ones from all ages past and present shall be brought before Jesus for what is called the “White Throne Judgement”. This judgement is only for the wicked ones. All will be found without excuse and will be cast into the Lake of Fire to spend eternity there with their father the Devil.
A great, great, city Shall then descend from the sky. This is “The New Jerusalem come down out of Heaven”. This is the Final State of things and the beginning of our eternity with Jesus.
All these thing I have spoken of are covered in just 3 short chapters at the end of Revelation. Just read chapters 19,20, and 21. Chapter 19 speaks of the end of 7 years of Tribulation on Earth and mentions The Marriage Supper of the Lamb in verses 7,8, and 9. We then then read of the Second Coming of the Lord upon a white horse with all the armies of Heaven at it proceeds from there until we read of the New Jerusalem at the end of chapter 21.
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