You know what else creates division? A defeated president pushing conspiracy theories that the election was stolen from him because he can't admit the fact that he lost
Some who believe the election was fraudulent cite video clips of ballot stuffing.
REUTERS news service, a European company, investigated some of these claims. REUTERS discovered some of the video clips being used to prove Trump's assertion of ballot stuffing
were actually from Russia taken to prove Russian ballot stuffing in their own election.
Russia regularly obstructs votes as a matter of tradition.
It isn't the vote that matters, but those who count the votes who do." - Joseph Stalin
I personally believe Trump lost the election because of Trump.
While its true the liberal press was on his case from the beginning, Trump did little to counter its effect. In fact, he seems to have willingly played into their hands throughout his tenure in the White House. For instance, he never stopped tweeting or sending out emails. Even his supporters knew it had become a bad idea, but he never adjusted his activity despite good advice from friends.
America needed a good counter weight to the liberal agenda. Trump was the only candidate available. In my opinion, he betrayed his supporters from beginning to end. Unfortunately they don't see it that way. They are unwilling to admit they were conned.
As a result of the election as well as the Trump administration, the Republican party is in disarray greater than the days following Watergate and Nixon's resignation. Even worse, nobody in the Republican party seems to know what to do about it.
God's will be done. America is deserving of judgment and that is exactly what we're getting: confusion, natural disasters, corruption from top to bottom, SIN everywhere - approved by the church, plague and a national debt that's going to cripple us as a people.
America. Look to see it no more, for its days are numbered.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...