What you're trying to say is that the further right you go on the American political spectrum the more governmental rule increases until it's to the point of fascism which is inconsistent with history, political science, and logic.
I'm sorry, no, that's almost the exact opposite of what I was trying to say. I apologize that I was not more clear. Let me try again.
Again, there are two poles, one economic, and one social.
On the economic pole, the further one goes to the right, the LESS government intervention there is. So in that we agree.
And yes, Republicans in the US tend to be to the RIGHT, on that pole, wanting LESS government control over economics, and Democrats tend to be more to the left, wanting MORE government control. Although in the US, the Democrats are far from "leftist." More on that later.
But your discussion completely ignores the other axis, or pole. On the social pole, it is up and down, not left or right. The further UP you go, the more government control there is. The further DOWN you go, the less.
I don't know how to imbed pictures, so let me try to draw something with keyboard characters:
A | B
C | D
If that is showing up correctly, then letter A represents communism: extreme authoritarian rule and extreme government-controlled economics. Letter B represents Neo-Nazis: authoritarian rule combined with free-trade economics. Letter C is Socialism: Extreme left (government control) economically, and extremely liberal (minimal government control) socially. Letter D is Libertarianism: Extreme right economically and extreme liberal social rule.
Letter E is where the US Democratic Party is currently, according to its policies: centrist economically, with some government control but still unapologetically capitalist (that means they're smack dab in the middle of the left-right divide), and socially more libertarian than authoritarian (that means they're slightly below the middle on that divide). Keep in mind, this is the party, according to its policy. There are Democrats who are left, right, above, and below this, but this is where their party platform lands them.
Letter F represents where the US Republicans are, as a party. Fiscally more conservative (not as far right as B or D, but solidly on the "right" side, economically). As you say, they want less government control there. Socially, they're pretty much smack dab in the middle, as centrist socially as the Dems are economically. In some things the Republicans want MORE laws -- i.e. abortion, immigration, etc. -- but in others they want fewer -- i.e. guns, social justice, etc. So again, their platform policy lands them here. (Not drawn to scale.)
The problem comes when we try to think of everything as black or white. The Democrats and Republicans are actually very close together on so many policies. They agree on so many policies, and disagree with a majority of Americans on more than a few issues. The American 2-party system forces people into one of two parties that really don't represent anywhere near the diversity of beliefs we share. It's time for that to end, IMHO. More than any single political figure, the party system is to blame for a lot of the divisions we are experiencing today.