... but I'm going to ask anyway:
How many here have changed their opinion of Trump due to the events of this morning (Wednesday) at the US Capitol? Or maybe you still prefer him to Biden, but you agree he maybe went too far?
Hi Mom
- Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Comparing Trump and Biden is like comparing apples and oranges. It's impossible to flip one for the other.
Trump is a true Patriot and Biden is a ChiCom puppet. Biden puts the world's interest ahead of America's.
Trump is a Constitutionalist, Biden is not and without a Constitution you don't have a United States of America Republic.
As for Trump leaving the way he did on the 6th: I'd like to believe he had the People's best interest at heart, however disappointing it was. Judas Pence knocked the wind out of Trump & ensured Marxists gained control of "the most powerful military the world has ever seen" .
Let that sink in.
Next, the Left will call for Trump's crucifixion, they've done everything else. He's had 4 torturous years behind him with great personal & financial loss. I suspect the following years to be equally as difficult if not worse. The Left craves blood.
Let's see where this all leads. POTUS Trump's last Tweet yesterday, before his account was suspended, was a bit cryptic, he tells his supporters not to worry, they will not be harmed and they'll be save.
What do you think of Trump's departure on the 6th?