Hi Clowe23, and welcome to the forums!
May I encourage you and tell you that I suffer from the exact same thing and know exactly what you mean!
And have reasoned with and about that "voice" many times in my life.
I don't have a profound answer for you, but I've always considered that "voice" as part of the training to discern what is God's Voice and what is not.
I do not doubt for a moment you must hear from the Lord as clearly as you hear that "voice", which is why it is confusing. But the enemy does mimic the Lord's Voice and spikes it with law, then condemns you when you don't "obey" i.e. the biscuit example.
A key way to remember the difference between the Lord and the devil is that the Spirit always convicts; the devil always condemns.
There are other times where the Lord speaks and tests your obedience with something seemingly insignificant - it's all part of our walk with Him, and learning to discern the Voice of God is part of growing up in Him.
The key to your "problem" is to stay in the Word and you will learn to "refuse the evil and choose the good." (Isaiah 7:15).
Another apt Scripture is Hebrews 5:14:
But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who BY REASON OF USE have their
senses excercised to discern both good and evil.
The implication is that whist we are still immature, we are going to struggle to discern between the two. Keep asking the Holy Spirit to guide you, and especially-- STAY IN THE WORD
But be encouraged: there is nothing "wrong" with you! I'm willing to bet that like me, there is a real fear of doing the "wrong" thing and this "voice" keeps you a little trapped and goes a little overboard.
...As I write, I think its a conscience thing that the devil is playing on, making you feel guilty all the time... and sometimes you might feel like you're in a spiritual straitjacket, am I right? Methinks the devil is on your case a little and it's something you are going to learn to conquer.
Here for you if you ever need to talk