So, you know in movies/TV, when the lead male character spots a pretty girl in a crowded place, and even though there's plenty of other lovely ladies around, something about this particular woman has him totally enamoured, like she's the most beautiful person he's ever seen, and he just HAS to talk to her?
Is that actually a thing? Have any of you ever experienced something like this before?
Perhaps this is a very silly question, but I'm really quite curious
Only when she looks at him in a way that communicates that she is thinking the same thing. Then the fantasies from the movies take over and he acts on it, walking across the room, hopeing his voice does not squeak when he speaks, he greets her....
Only to find out that she was looking at the
girl behind him.

...people are sick.
Life is nothing like the movies.
Seriously, in answer to your question, I am a man, and in my opinion I would think that there can be something about someone that stands out like a lighthouse.
What that would look like? How would I describe what that woman would be like?
A bright, happy, smiling, laughter, demeanor. A look that says they want to be greeted. More than one glance that says "what are you waiting for, come meet me"
Then the man's fantasies take over and he will tunnel vision, thinking "she might be the one" and "I will be telling this story at our wedding" as his feet move him across the room. Yes, I can see that. It is probably a thing.
Never happened to me that I can remember. So on second thought, it's probably just a fantasy from the movies.
I hoped that helped.