oh YES, Christians should always pray for their fellow man, especially those who have been elected/voted
to serve their country, it is our duty, whether we are for um or agin um, it's God's Law'...
just a share:
many we have known/heard of have 'tested-positive' for Cv., but only had the snifflies or such -
hub and I will never be tested, but we possibly may have come in contact with it, without
any symptoms, just like the 'flu' - it has been 'decades' since we have had a cold or the flu,
without any 'shots'...
some of our immediate friends/neighbors have contracted the Cv., with very 'minor symptoms,
from 50's to 70's,
most, with symptoms much less than/or like the flu, and some of them were in 'law-in-enforcement' and even had
hospital duty in prisons where we were told that 'a very great number' were infected...
as an aside-we, hub and I would be considered in the 'High-Risk arena', and we know boo-koodles of
peers, and absolutely NONE of them have been knowingly infected...
YES, we do live in a 'rural community', BUT, (WM and HD, and Lowes, Aldes, CVS. WG, ETC. are All just down the road
a piece, also, a great number of patrons are allowed to NOT wear MASKS, not ever questioned as far we can tell...
just sharing what's goin' on 'down hear' in North Florida...
also, 'gas is really cheap right now'...