As the tile says, has God every asked you to do something that you thought was "crazy" or something that others would consider crazy? If so, how did you respond and what was the outcome?
Backstory, I feel God is leading me to quit my the middle of a pandemic where unemployment is rampant and where people are struggling. I make close to six figures and the job has great benefits, etc. But I am MISERABLE there and I feel God has been telling me to leave for a while now. I don't have another job lined up. My family says it would be foolish to quit without another job. What say you?
Backstory, I feel God is leading me to quit my the middle of a pandemic where unemployment is rampant and where people are struggling. I make close to six figures and the job has great benefits, etc. But I am MISERABLE there and I feel God has been telling me to leave for a while now. I don't have another job lined up. My family says it would be foolish to quit without another job. What say you?
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